Friday, February 26, 2010

Mind and Consciousness

I was just listening to Master DK on the wonderful and inspiring work "Matter of Mind" which one can purchase at Master DK. com. I have a copy and just loved reading it.

What I was hearing through Master DK is the idea or the comparison between the mind as we define it as human beings and Consciouness. He uses clouds as an explanation of what our minds are like and sky as what is Reality or Consciousness meaning clouds are transcient and thus are changeable. They clearly appear and change in form and then disappear or become something else. They are only apparent for a while.

Where as Sky is the space or the vastness of being which is infinite and eternal otherwise changeless. Sky is always there no matter what is in the sky at the moment and that is the same with our minds they change depending on the particular spin we have or interpreted into our experience of being at the moment.

This mind is based on prior layers of experiences where we have establish individually and collectively mutually agreed upon definitions of what a thing is. Where as Sky or Consciousnes is the back drop or where one is allowed to experience these difinitions of what one is thingking or feeling at the time that is brought on from a predisposition or karmic condition prior to what is now being experienced. Enlightenment can be said where one has realized that we are much more then the clouds but we are truly the Vastness beyond which is infinite Consciousness or Infinite Mind.

As long as we define our selves as individual clouds separated from the Vastness and Emptness Beyond we will continual habitually to redefine our self over and over again as being these little minds or clouds floating in space. Rather we need to not only accept the conditional state that we have interpreted in our experiences, but to go beyond then and ask our Self or this vastness of being what is the Truth here or what is the purpose for me having these experiences of definitions that has limited my perception of what is really going on. He uses the statement, Let the Truth come forth now into my experience of what I am perceiving is here.

DK uses that analogy of the stage or theater where we see our self acting our a role or character for a previous script and the audience or the middle of the audience representing the observer self which is basically taking in the experience and making evaluation on what it like or dislikes, it thinks of feels. Then is the back of the Audience there is a vaster state that can see both the observer and the actor from place of pure Love pure Awareness with innocent eyes accepting both the actor on the stage and also the observer and everything that goes in to the play as a oneness or complete Love.

This is coming from a cosmic perspective on One who Knows He Knows and I love the beautiful meditation tapes for cutting through these karmic states to pure awareness of what is called the "Pure Ground." Master also says that nothing exist on its own power,but is part of a greater Wholeness that we are Whole within. I am humbled by Master and Raj and how they both for me resonate together the Same unAlterable Truth of what is being, but maybe in a different language or choice of words, but the same Reality ob both come through from the same Source of Being.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

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