Thursday, February 25, 2010

Journeying in Writing

What is the truth for me now. The truth for me now is I think with God because I think with Gods Mind. What does that mean for me to think with Gods Mind. it means all of Gods eternal thoughts are mine and with them create new experiences for me and the world I see.

Now when I choose to be still and listen for the Truth. I can separate God thoughts from mine and what I find is that my thoughts are not eternal but always changing in time and they are thoughts that are old or in the past meaning they have already been made or thought of before. It is the Holy Spirit or my right mind that does this through me.

With Gods Thoughts they are always new and fresh and they are thoughts that I have never thought of before that are empowering, supportive to a new way of being in peace. love and joy. Where as for me my thoughts that I think separate from what God thinks or creates are not supportive of who and what I am the Truth that is in me.

So what I do to end the separation of my mind with Gods is to give my thought that are conventional and unoriginal to Gods mind so that my thoughts can be adjusted with What God is thinking which is also what God is being that I am also being. I let the Holy Spirit bring my common sense way of thinking as a starting point for growth in Awareness to a higher sense of being or Awareness with in me. I do this by being still and listening for the Truth to speak to me in my mind which now I choose to see it is no longer separate from my mind. The Truth I realize when I let Gods mind fill my mind that there is only one Mind to think with.

So when my thoughts start to take over me in my mind thinking it separate from Gods mind I choose for my peace. I say to my mind that my mind is a part of Gods Mind and I am very Holy. I choose to let the Holy Spirit fill what I call my mind with Gods Mind and with that experience my inseparability with God the Eternal in me.

God is in Everything I see because God is in my Mind. With that I choose to look at everything I see as a way and means of seeing anew differently from the way I saw before. Now everything I see can be use for Gods or the Holy Spirit use. It become a lesson for me in Truth.What is the Truth here that I am not seeing with this pain, with these glasses, with these pills. God is in Everything I see because God is in my Mind. What is the Truth here with these bed bugs and these aches and pains. I will be still and listen for the Truth. When I choose for my peace and i am willing to be still long enough to listen for the Truth then the Truth that is of my Mind that is Gods fills me up and transform my way of seeing into a more true perception of what a thing is for. So my aches and pains and needs become a means for that which is my Holiness to fill and I have no pain any more and I can see more of what God is being in me and in everything there is. There is nothing that is not God or does no return to the Source from whence it came.

We are all drop in the river of Life returning to the Sea, to the Ocean of Being, to our Source of what we already ARE. Thank you and may this blessing bless everyone according to each one need.

Sweet Surrender

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