Sunday, February 28, 2010



Sickness is a defense against the Truth. I now accept the Truth of what I am and let my mind be completely healed today. God the Truth of my Being is all there is of me. I let go of all of me and let myself be all there is of God. I am in God and God is in me. There is only one Self to be that I am and That is the Self of God.

God is all in all and for all. I am as God has created me. All that I perceive that is of me is really of God. I let go of everything as I breathe in and I let go of everything as I breathe out. Even my breath is the breath of God. My very Life that is my very breath is God. God is my Life, Light and Love and that I share with God. I thank you God for what I am and being all there is of me. Being that you are Everything there is I am everything with you. We are one. I am a center point of your Self Expression.

Instead of aging I have taken a reverse course and I go back to Thee as my Source and I am now youthing. The aging process has reversed and has slowed down to a complete stop and is now instead of aging and decay. I am youthing with new life and regeneration. The Holy Spirit is my own right Mind the Mind of the Father is regenerating me and recreating me in his image and likeness. I am like the Father as the Father is like me. I am one with the Father.

All the cells of my body organism are as one and act as one co-ordinated in perfect harmony and symmetry. All the cells that identify my being work in unison and as a complete whole there is a consciousness there a complete awareness of pure intent to declare God’s handiwork and glory.

I feel resurrected and completely revived a new man in Christ I am. I do not accept any invitations to the contrary that would say that I am not what I am. I withdraw any authorizations to the contrary that say that I am not perfect as God has created me and that my body is the witness of that perfection in me that I am. I am happy healed and whole to day.

I stand in the Holy Place in the Silence and declare my Self one with God. It is in the Silence that I KNOW my Self as I am. It is the Silence of pure intent that I Know that I am one with God and can feel my being speak to me as I am.

I let go of my mantra and my beads and everything else that appears outside of me and go within to that Holy Place that I may be the Witness for the Supreme and the Everlasting and I am glad.I do not Know how God is going to reveal Him Self Her Self It Self to me. All I know is His Presence His Light is there with me and I am Home.

I listen for His eternal Guidance and Direction for today and ask what His Will is for me now and I am glad. Thank you Dear God for answering my Prayer my desire to know Thee as my Self and to Know that I am your Son. Thank you for your Love and your healing. I needed you and you came. Amen

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

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