Sunday, February 28, 2010


The unified theory is really talking about the 4th dimension. Raj has point out and so does CIM indicate the Reality has no dimensions or degrees and that all that exist is Love.

I am seeing that there are an infinite number of points that all exist at the same time and each is a point of wholeness or unity. hInfinity is from the word infinite and infinite is in-finite which means in all things. These infinite number of point exist at the same time and represent what is defined as infinity. Each is a point of Light within the mind of God representing an infinite expression of beingness. We migh also say that these point could be classified as planes in the dimension of time, but the fourth dimension is the unity os all these planes that make up the universe or that which is made by that which is unmade.

Also there is no space and these points also exist in the same space in time which is reall eternity. Each one of us is a point of infinite expression. Now this point is in no way separate from the whole. It is one with the whole and the whole is one with it. The Whole defines the point and the point defines the whole and they both exist within each other.

That is only one possible idea of what Singular Reality could be and that each of us is a point of individuality or being and it is at this poit of being that we find expression of who and what we are. The Father that represent the whole of creation and the I which is the individual Expression of what the Father is being thus the Father and I are one.

One might say that the I is the Son the individual Expression and the Am is the Father. I am

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

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