Sunday, February 28, 2010


What comes to mind is asking to be filled by being empty and simply listening, I am giving myself time to commune with Spirit or the Father by listening. The act is listening, the key word is listening and that there is some one on the other end of the line that is there and has something to say or communicate.

Now in the place of stillness and where there is no thinking and I am being quiet is the place of listening. It is in the stillness that I am choosing to listen. It is where I am abandoning my mind as the thinker that I am able to be still and listen. I am come empty to be filled. I ask for the Truth to correct all errors in my mind. Let me be still that I may listen to the Truth.

Now I do not know exactly what I am doing listening or what that really means, but I am listening just the same. I started to first use my breath and let my breath be as a sharp razors edge that allows me to cut through my thinking part of my mind and come to a place where there is rest and stillness a quiet place where I am aware of a still point that I feel I am my attention is being drawn.

I also use the lesson of the day and repeat it over and over using a string of beads to keep track of my breath and the mantra I am using. For instant, with my breath on the in breath I say mentally “Truth correct all errors in my mind.” And on the out breath, “To give and to receive is one in Truth.” Or with each bead I will say on the in breath, Truth corrects all and on the out breath errors in my mind.

Now I have my eyes closed and my focus is on the breath and on the chant and if I am aware of any thoughts I just notice then and bring my attention back to my breath and the remembrance I am using. As I am giving over the words or the Thoughts of God to the Holy Spirit the words become transform and I can feel the word not just as word but as being real and not that as a separate self speaking the words but my own right mind is speaking them to me the Holy Spirit and to whoever I may direct my attention too.

Now that I am able to bring my attention this center I see within which is where this very Presence of Light, Life and Love is coming from the God within, I am able to dwell there and find rest. It is here at this place this altar that I listen and wait for an Answer to my prayer and my desire to commune with the Almighty. This is where I find my Power and what God is willing in me and in my mind. It is where I am truly inspired and I am moved.

At first I find in this presence that there is this emptiness in me and it here that I am filled. It is here that I am answered with Love. It is here that God comes to me. It is here that God fills me with His/Her love.

It is here that I know that I am Known and I am Loved. It here that I recognize my real Self that is unmade and eternal. It is here that I find my place in the Father and I am Known as his Son and I know God as my Father. It is here that I find my Source and it is here that I extend my Self to you.

My prayer to you Father Mother God is fill me, that I am over flowing and that my cup doth runneth over with Your complete Love for me as I am one with you. Fill me Father that I may know you once again. You are the One the Nameless One that completes me and where I complete you.

My only desire that is true is that I be one with you which is a reflection of your desire to be one with me that we are one in and with each other in full and complete Awareness.

Here is my mind to direct as you see fit and fill it with your Knowing. My mind is an instrument of your peace. Peace to my mind and let all my thoughts be still. Today I give my mind to the Holy Spirit and give it service to do as you see fit.

Fill my mind my Father that in it I may see my brother as my Self that I may have the gift of Vision to see all of creation as a gift of your Love and that I may see and Know all as One. Father I do now accept your vision and I do accept your true Word that is upon Thy lips. I so accept my Self as Thy true son and may I see all of creation as your one Son/Daughter the Christ of all.

I am here to be of service to all, because by being in that place where I am truly in the service to all I again may Know my true Self and by Knowing my Self to be true I am set free.

Let thy Light shine in the mind of all mankind and by that all man may Know the Truth of Thy Being and Knowing Thee may Know themselves as One. Amen

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

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