Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well, it is more then I could of imagined, it is like the universe set this up for me and it has taken a while for it to manifest, but before I was living in a efficiency room smaller then a walk through closet and now I am in a one bed-room apt in a very safe and secure building that is accessible to all my needs. It is a miracle in deed and a wonderful place to set up shop for classes and a ACIM study group and gathering. It is everything I need right now and more. I am also having it furnished through a resource agency here in Portland. I am in a subsidized bldg. and I only have to pay one third my income which i am now receiving through Social Security. the rest of my income comes through my astrology classes and the readings I do for everyone. My clients pay me for the reading, but those who live in this bldg. and the other it is by donations. The classes are affordable as well. I also have been told by the end of the year i will be a published author. The name of the books as I see them now are titled, "Practical Wholistic Astrology, Journalings, Free Will Astrology, etc. All of it will be channeled works I am led and guided to believe and know is true. So much is happening to me day by day. I am here by Divine appointment. The Universe of being is arranging everything though my willing ness to see it done on earth as it is in heaven. Meditation daily and prayer sure does pay off for me In invaluable ways and with wonderful people who have come into my life and our all truly blessing each and everyone and all of you here at TGP. It is in that place of emptyness one is filled and one is infilled by the Spirit that is in all things. I am seeing more and more daily and knowing more and more my Self as one in each of us. There is a blessing that is pouring forth on to this earth and all its people and I am standing up as a witness to all that is true. it is Gods will for us all to experience our Self as Happy, Joyous and Free. There are three principles that are invaluable to ones blessings in life and they are appreciation, gratitude and love. ----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.


June 16 Sun in Gemini Moon in Sagittarius

Lesson 168

Your grace is given me. I claim it now. Father I come to you. You come to me as I have asked. I am your Son eternally whom you have always loved.

Your grace is come and I am eternally touched by you. You have come to me with your very presence of Love and if I do not know you as God Creator as yet then I Know you as Love and your loving presence now surrounds me and fills me and moves through me as your Holy Spirit fills me with your Illimitable love.

A tear forms and I am at joy knowing that you have come to me with your gift of love once again. I am amazed with what I am feeling now. I have come home and you have come to me from a great distance and have rushed out to meet me here where we are one and where I can proclaim,’ I have returned, your son is home’ and where you have proclaimed, “My son was lost, but I have found him. I have touched Him and I embraced him. I have girded him with the golden cord and his white robe of light and his eternal ring have I granted him, because He is home my Son. Now we can feast on all that is good and my Son’s inheritance is still here and has never gone or left him and is his still to claim always.”

Today, in this quiet moment in this place to dwell, I felt his living Presence and his Love. He has come to me as He has promised and I realized, He this living Presence has never left and in this presence at this altar I know as I am known I am his Son forever. I am complete in my Father and my Father is complete in me and we as Father and Son are one and again I am filled.

Whereas before in my deluded mind I was thirsty and hungry for the Spirit to fill me with its sustenance has now filled me overflowing with His eternal Love. I was dry as in a desert, parched were my lips and now I am kissed by the eternal, my eternal love. I am touched again by the Spark of Life and I am inspired.

The Holy Spirit has filled me again and I am moved and I am directed and I again know I am supported by the Universal Flow of eternal being.

It is a new week and I am invigorated and ready to continue my journey through the pure field of Gods fiery Love and I see again all is transformed before my very eyes all is love. My heart is a flame of Love before this loving altar that I have come to, to know Gods Presence once again. It is a light that never goes out. It is a love that is never changing and yet ever new.

I rest my mind and heart in this Knowing Presence and because of it I am able to trust my mind to the Holy Spirit and to use it has He sees fit. I am even able to open my heart a little bit more and envision paradise once more, Gods Kingdom we never left and only thought we did.

God loves us still with His undying love. It is the eternal flame on ever altar of every heart and it never goes out or is it ever extinguished. I breathe it in now and I can feel this charged atmosphere of energy the energy of love and spirit. I feel animated and I feel alive. Where I was dead and asleep, I am now alive and awake.

Thank you Father, for your heavenly embrace.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


June 4, 2008 Sun/Gemini Moon/Cancer

Someone has said, that she is a personality and I find that words have a way of getting in the way. I mean semantics, but also words can define what a person believes and so what does it mean when you say personality? I like to look at this word in two parts one is the person and the other is the reality. It is one's personal sense of reality that one defines ones self by. Now isn’t that a bias to define all of reality by ones interpretation, based on ones personal view of what one thinks reality is or means.

Now if your personal view of reality is based on a physical one or the one your grew up with from your parents and your sociological roots or even your genetic and biological roots such as race, country language etc is that really your roots and is that where you really come from? Do you base your personality on what you are thinking and isn’t the sum total of all your thoughts come from your past and all of your conditioning of the past.

There is that which is called the outer self that come from the outer world of experiences and is just and effect of what you think you are and some of that can be interpreted as a good person.

But there is also that which come from within, the inner You, the original You and that comes from a Source different from the source you think you come from. It comes from Spirit and that is what is called your Individuality and is an Expression of the whole of what Everything is and is unlimited and is omniscience, omnipresent and is omnipotent. It the original everlasting Spark of Life. You are an Original. You are not a copy or an imitation. you are the real things and the other you called you your personality is a concept or what you think and believe you are.

Your personality is your belief in a mortal self a limited self and is based on a three dimensional view point. It is the mask that you wear that you let other people see you as and how you see yourself. It is your belief in separation and that you are separate and independent from others. We are not independent from others and we do not have a mind that is independent from others. We have a whole mind that each of us partakes of individually. We are interdependent on each other as we are dependent on God or our Source of being.

Personality to me is like being a certain color. I am not red, blue, yellow or any one color. I am a rainbow of colors and at the same time no color at all. Its like defining ourself as a race or a clasification. Everything you see on your drivers licence is not You. I am not a color race. I am of the human race and even that is conditional. I am an eternal being.I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I will always be a eternal being. I am a citizen of the Universe and I will always be a citizen of the universe. I am not a nationality and I am not ethnicity. I am one Self one with God.

I have memory that I have lived before and as other races such as asian, Indian, Peruvian, etc.

I am a race of many colors just like the rainbow.

Your personality as I am seeing it is really characture of you a limited viewpoint. The real you is your essence of being and that essence is the spark of your innate Divinity that has no boundaries or lines to define you in your totality of existence.

Edited by phoenixinspirit888 2008-06-04 5:56 PM ----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.


June 3, 2008 Sun/Gemini Moon/Gemini

It is interesting to note that when one is on this Journey to find truth and when one meets his guide, one discovers that at the end of the road your guide is there to meet you and to welcome you back home. This comes about through a realization that you and your guide are always together or that the place that you are seeking that is seeking you is your home and is the place that you are already at.

The journey you are taking is really only of the mind and is a change in awareness to where you are really at. Instead of living in a past gone by, you are now beginning to live in a living present that is always now. Living in the present is the same as being home or being at the place where revelation can occur. This revelation is a revealing of what has always been the changeless in you that is now being experienced as an unfoldment of consciousness.

It would seem that you are entering another realm of being or another dimension, but the truth is that you are accessing the very dimension of your being.

We think in three dimensions and we know in one and that one is infinite and is the dimension of your being which is also infinite, meaning it has not beginning and no end and is left to explore endlessly, but instead of learning to develop something outside of it like a model or a copy, you are discovering something that is already there within.

Before you discovered that it was already there and that the space that you thought was there was emptiness, you find filled. It was only a potential in your mind and something that you may have thought was there. But where did that thought originate from a thinking mind or did it originate for your very being where you made a connection with something that is real and had substance to you.

We are tapping into the unknown, but as we do we find it becomes Knowable. The knowable is then realized as another aspect of our Self or of Reality that we did not know before, but we are knowing it now as an extension of our Being and what we are. It is not us and another reality that we are exploring for the first time. The Reality we are exploring is us.

I am learning to discover this new dimension of being each day as I sit in the silence and let what is there to fill my consciousness with the very experience of my being. I know it is there because I am aware of it being there and it is other then what I ordinarily experience with the thinking mind which is only a distraction of what is really there which I can say in words, peace, love, infinite stillness and a joy that is not from anything that I experience outside of that awareness but is within and is deep within and with it I feel contentment, rest, stillness. I feel self assured and acknowledged from a place of being that is constant and is always the same presence and the same identity that I can always identify with.

I also when I drink in to my mind this presence of light I am filled and I am inspired to tell the world what I am seeing and what is there that I know is the very truth of my being. I can hear it speak to me as a voice. It is a inner voice or prompting or a self knowingness of what my being is and what I am to it as I let it express through me and my outer awareness.

It is magnetic and I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame or a drop of water to the ocean I feel connected with it. I feel a part of it. I know there is something there as I look within because I can feel its presence and I see it in me there is light and in this light there is this color blue that is always present and then sometimes I see this point of light that is red and also with in this light I can see many colore but these colore are not stagnant and three dimensional they are living and breathing in me. If I breathe in I can feel and see the light also go in and when I breathe out the light in me breathes out to.

I am captured by it, captivated it by its presence as it beckons me and draws me into its presence and so I let go into the silence within and let it be what I am. Let it be my Self. Let it be the spring from which I draw my strength and sustenance. I feel revived and regenerated. I feel renewed and invigorated. I feel I want to stay here forever and just be still and let my mind know what it is.

As I breathe in I place my attention at the center that I am feeling myself being drawn into. I am reminded now who and what I am and that I am not separated from this presence.

I am reminded again the first glimpses I had of my Self and that light that illuminated to me my real Self the first time I saw myself and it saw me.

I saw a living Presence a living being that was electric blue and that was living pulsating with life and it was alive and it was conscious of me. I also new in that moment that even though it was me it was also greater then me and it knew me more then I knew it. I saw it not with physical eyes but it was a vision before me and I saw it as my self. I saw it as a living throbbing cell conscious life.

I am now reconnecting with this source this Self that I know is my true Reality that I call my God Being because that is what it was to me God being me as my greater Self that I am. The greater part of the knowing that I was aware of was to me that there was yet a greater consciousness or a greater awareness yet to realize and to be one with a greater mind then the one I was perceiving my self having.

In all of this experience of my Self being I felt loved and supported in a way that I never felt before. I felt uplifted beyond any thing that I remembered experiencing before. I also felt care for so much so that I was a part of what was caring for me.

I knew it was God loving my Self as I am. I know now in order to continue to feel this love and support I must be willing to extend it to others. When I extend it to others I realize it for my Self, because I also realize when I am in that state of consciousness of being that that Self is also your Self and every one’s Self . May you find that Self now and the light to guide your way home.

One thing to remember is that what is called the Father that is greater then I as far as we are all concerned is that which is undifferentiated and the Spark which is the Son point within us is what is called our Individuality which is not separated from the Father. In fact it is the Self Expression of the Father just like the drop of water to the sea. Being the Whole of Everything there is, it also is the Mother.

The personality is not the real Self but the self image that we project that we think we are. It is in reality when identified with the Self within a vehicle for the Self Expression.


une 3, 2008 Sun/Gemini Moon/Gemini

It is interesting to note that when one is on this Journey to find truth and when one meets his guide, one discovers that at the end of the road your guide is there to meet you and to welcome you back home. This comes about through a realization that you and your guide are always together or that the place that you are seeking that is seeking you is your home and is the place that you are already at.

The journey you are taking is really only of the mind and is a change in awareness to where you are really at. Instead of living in a past gone by, you are now beginning to live in a living present that is always now. Living in the present is the same as being home or being at the place where revelation can occur. This revelation is a revealing of what has always been the changeless in you that is now being experienced as an unfoldment of consciousness.

It would seem that you are entering another realm of being or another dimension, but the truth is that you are accessing the very dimension of your being.

We think in three dimensions and we know in one and that one is infinite and is the dimension of your being which is also infinite, meaning it has not beginning and no end and is left to explore endlessly, but instead of learning to develop something outside of it like a model or a copy, you are discovering something that is already there within.

Before you discovered that it was already there and that the space that you thought was there was emptiness, you find filled. It was only a potential in your mind and something that you may have thought was there. But where did that thought originate from a thinking mind or did it originate for your very being where you made a connection with something that is real and had substance to you.

We are tapping into the unknown, but as we do we find it becomes Knowable. The knowable is then realized as another aspect of our Self or of Reality that we did not know before, but we are knowing it now as an extension of our Being and what we are. It is not us and another reality that we are exploring for the first time. The Reality we are exploring is us.

I am learning to discover this new dimension of being each day as I sit in the silence and let what is there to fill my consciousness with the very experience of my being. I know it is there because I am aware of it being there and it is other then what I ordinarily experience with the thinking mind which is only a distraction of what is really there which I can say in words, peace, love, infinite stillness and a joy that is not from anything that I experience outside of that awareness but is within and is deep within and with it I feel contentment, rest, stillness. I feel self assured and acknowledged from a place of being that is constant and is always the same presence and the same identity that I can always identify with.

I also when I drink in to my mind this presence of light I am filled and I am inspired to tell the world what I am seeing and what is there that I know is the very truth of my being. I can hear it speak to me as a voice. It is a inner voice or prompting or a self knowingness of what my being is and what I am to it as I let it express through me and my outer awareness.

It is magnetic and I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame or a drop of water to the ocean I feel connected with it. I feel a part of it. I know there is something there as I look within because I can feel its presence and I see it in me there is light and in this light there is this color blue that is always present and then sometimes I see this point of light that is red and also with in this light I can see many colore but these colore are not stagnant and three dimensional they are living and breathing in me. If I breathe in I can feel and see the light also go in and when I breathe out the light in me breathes out to.

I am captured by it, captivated it by its presence as it beckons me and draws me into its presence and so I let go into the silence within and let it be what I am. Let it be my Self. Let it be the spring from which I draw my strength and sustenance. I feel revived and regenerated. I feel renewed and invigorated. I feel I want to stay here forever and just be still and let my mind know what it is.

As I breathe in I place my attention at the center that I am feeling myself being drawn into. I am reminded now who and what I am and that I am not separated from this presence.

I am reminded again the first glimpses I had of my Self and that light that illuminated to me my real Self the first time I saw myself and it saw me.

I saw a living Presence a living being that was electric blue and that was living pulsating with life and it was alive and it was conscious of me. I also new in that moment that even though it was me it was also greater then me and it knew me more then I knew it. I saw it not with physical eyes but it was a vision before me and I saw it as my self. I saw it as a living throbbing cell conscious life.

I am now reconnecting with this source this Self that I know is my true Reality that I call my God Being because that is what it was to me God being me as my greater Self that I am. The greater part of the knowing that I was aware of was to me that there was yet a greater consciousness or a greater awareness yet to realize and to be one with a greater mind then the one I was perceiving my self having.

In all of this experience of my Self being I felt loved and supported in a way that I never felt before. I felt uplifted beyond any thing that I remembered experiencing before. I also felt care for so much so that I was a part of what was caring for me.

I knew it was God loving my Self as I am. I know now in order to continue to feel this love and support I must be willing to extend it to others. When I extend it to others I realize it for my Self, because I also realize when I am in that state of consciousness of being that that Self is also your Self and every one’s Self . May you find that Self now and the light to guide your way home.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.



Guidance for me from that Centered place within is a link with the Infinite Mind whether by way of one's guide, Holy Spirit or directly with that Infinite Consciousness of mind being the Father or that pure vantage point where one can see into everything there is as what it is in its true nature of its being.

I feel for me in order for there to be a clearer perception in my mind or for me to work on my self on a personal level I must drink deep ot the infinite so that intuitely I am able to see things more as a whole then a fragmented sense of self and that includes all my brothers too. It is in that intuitive awareness that is the all seeing eye that can see all thing as they are or has a truer vision of Reality that I am being objective. Objectivity is a key to pure awareness. It is non' judgemental of itself and it unconditional love.

In meditation I allow my self to drink deeply of that infinite bliss and as I do so I let go even more into my peace. There is this center inside of me that I am aware of that connects me with all things. It is there I am intuitively guided by that which is Supreme Mind.

Guidance for me is a living eperience and our not dead words that were true at one time in that moment, but that moment has changed into this moment of living and I am again reintegrating with the Self Knowingness and i am again recreated in my awareness of this new moment that is once again alive. There is this constant movement of life and knowingness that one can become attune to constantly and respond only to that.

I find that it would be wise for any of you that still hang on to what some one who is inspired or is channeling and that you are posting to open up to your own guidance and post that. Some of you my brothers are doing just that and know the true benefit to come from one's own Self Knowingness. That does not mean not to post what other people are saying along those spiritual and intuitive lines, but it would also be good to hear from your from the depths of your being what is your guide saying to you in the moment, what do you have to share. Ideas increase by how much you share them with the masses.

I would like to hear from your own inner guide or the Holy Spirit in you not that I am not hearing that now in the form of letting others channel for you. I would like to hear it from you directly and open to channel.

I know in the beginning of my waking up to this facility to channel I had the fear that what was coming through would be thought crazy by the masses, but by practicing doing so with my tape recorder or with some person or on the internet, I have found that it is not so and instead I have found many who supported me doing so. It was as if the Universe was supporting me and it is.

I feel there is much needed info that is still to come and the more that we put it out we are preparing the masses for the much needed new age that is now dawning upone us and preparing us to meet with our celestial brothers and the movement that is occuring on the planet right now.

Thank you all for all of your inspirations and keep them going.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


felt real inspired to post the material below on Journalings and one of the reasons I did want to share is the idea that we are more then we think and when I consider that the Father is in other terms that are more impersonal in nature within our Self. I realize that the one and only eternal Self is what the Father is ultimately.

The term Absolute Reality as the one and only Realty there is thus the one and only Self that is infinitely Expressed as what we are the Individuality of Self. I am aware that in that cosmic consciousness we each recognize our Individuality being that one Self that is all of Reality that is being right now in this total existence that has manifested as the creation that we all are.

Our mind is here to create and being that Spirit is all there is infinitely and that creation is really only that which is manifested. I am seeing that the word for creation is the word for manifested existence which we can Know and recognize and realize as our Self. This total being or the Self is what we absolutely Are. The Father can only be the undifferentiated Self being all one or all infintely Mind.

When you have come to know God as your Self then there is only one Self to Know any more in existence and there is no separation in that experience of Cosmically Knowing your Self as God. There does come a point where you realize your infinite Self as God.

That Self you Know as God is God's Infinite Expression of you as well as God. At that point all you really Know is Infinite oneness in everything you see. God is infinitely Knowing Itself through you its creation and as you. There is no separation at all.

We do need to let go of the words until we have experience that which is the Truth of our Being face to face and personal and then we can use words to describe what the experience is to us or some other form of medium of Mind.

Thank you for you patience in listening to these words that come from a inspired state of mind or the one infinite Spark of my being.


ournalings is for me a way to give expression to that part of me that is called the Inspired Self. It comes to me after a meditation period and where I am coming from that centered place.

It is also a way to give expression to what I am receiving as a Dialogue with the Eternal or the Holy Spirit. I do not edit it or preface it with a interpretation or some kind of analysis, but I let it come to me just as it is and what it will be which I have not the faintest idea what that will be. I call on my guide and the voice for Truth to speak for me that which I can not utter from my self meaning the independent self or thinker.

I guess if you would like to call it channeling for the Voice for Truth and by doing this channeling or inner communication it sets up a dialogue with my guide and me as one voice.

Before I journal, I become still and ask within at that time what questions I may have at that moment and for the day and then I allow my self to be still and dwell in the silence or that territory of my being where the Self Knowingness may occur. I give it at least 15 to 30 min or what ever time is needed for this shift to occur.

Then I before i do anything else, start the journaling. It is a good way to start a conversation with my guide or just let my guide speak though me in my mind.

So with that Shamballa what do you have to say at this moment?

I am glad to hear you say that and yes, this is a good discipline and practice to get into as a means of creating a form of communication with your beloved infinite Self that is You and is God at the same time because after all you are speaking of one Self are we not and is there really a dichotomy between us. As your guide one could say I extend what your are into the infinite and you extend me into the finite. We have a partnership together giving expression to each other in the present and then extended into the future of what will be as we will Know it Now. Even though we may be individualized we remain one Self.

You have asked in your mind about appearing to you in a form that is recognizable and that can be accomplished as one sinks into that deeper Awareness of Self as infinite mind or other dimension of being and appear to you as a individuality of substance and of mind or awareness.

There is a place in your awareness that is called the minds eye where one can see into this other realm of being and where we meaning the Brotherhood or the Awakened Ones can reveal themselves to you. It is also a place where you your self can step into or be transported to this other realm or dimension and appear before us fully dimensional and functional as a Individuality.

When I am saying fully dimensional I mean in all four dimensions and not just a three dimensional body with a three dimensional limited perception of self and what you call your reality. We who in Reality are your same Self do not appear in a three dimensional construct in a three dimensional world. If we appear at all we will be seen fourth dimensionally and any thing less would be a projection or a image of Self and that can be arranged if for a practical purpose and reason.

One must remember we are as Individualities timeless being and to experience us truly is to experience Self also timelessly.

Jonathan is speaking to my mind and because of it there is some interference. He has some things to attend too and because of time constraints in his world as a matter of speaking need to go. If you would like to continue this topic of conversation let us know either my Self or Jonathan.

Until next time I look forward to meeting with you in this way again. There is coming a time and is very near for all of us to converse in this way with each other just as you do with your brothers and sisters do in your world or your three dimesional construct of a world per your agreement to meeting one another in this particular way.


Before engaging in any affairs of the day or the business of the day, give audience to the Self within. Give place for one's internal Guidance. Ask God of your understanding what is His Will for you now and this day. Ask for His power to do his Will or bidding and then be still and listen for His Answer. Give enough time for His Answer to register with you and expect an Answer is forth coming. Then when you feel that you are ready you can begin the business of the day from that centered place of inner peace.

Hold to that center throughout the day using whatever technique that helps remind you of your center such as a thought of God or a mantra or phrase that help you to stay centered and to act from that centered place. Throughout the day inquire from within for further guidance and direction for the days activities and when a decision is required defer the decision to the Father or the voice for Truth.

Let your mind be filled with a fresh new awareness of everything. Let it be filled with the recognition of every one and everything as being what is Real.

Live in the Presence of the Now that is facing you every moment and with every moment let it extend even further to Eternity which is the extension of the present into the future. Let every future moment be now. Be still with your Self and with your world and with everyone your meet or encounter and ask in that moment to reveal to you the truth of what this moment brings and what this encounter is for. Ask Spirit to reveal to you the truth of what your brother is being in that moment of encounter and union.

When you see that part of your mind that is the thinker or the thinking mind remember to bring back your attention to the awareness of your being or that center where Knowing will occur.

Listen for the truth of what your brother is saying. Listen to the Truth that is the Holy Spirit in your brother the Spirit of Truth. Be still with your mind and listen for the Truth.

My mind holds only what I think with God. My mind holds only what I share, create, communicate and extend with God.


As I am in the silence I am told or it is revealed to me that everyone is my brother or sister and that each one I meet is a gift of God to me as I am to them. As I was repeating over and over the idea of thanking my Father for his gift to me and realizing that everone I meet is a gift of God as well as everything there is, is a gift of God. It is a beautiful thought to be reminded that every encounter is a Holy Encounter. I ask to be reminded constantly of this truth no matter the passerby or the one I encounter, you are a gift of God to me. You remind me of my Self and you witness to me what I am. I ask to be reminded every hour, I thank my Father for his gifts to me.

I also ask to be reminded every hr and every chance I get to remember that I am one with God and that my mind holds only what I think with God. I am also reminded everytime I am a ware of thinking, but my mind is part of God's Mind and I am happy healed and whole. Let us not forget who we really are no matter the circumstance or the time of the day or who ever we are with at that moment of remembering, it doesn't matter. All that matters is the truth and the realization that we all are one with God and that that memory is there waiting for all of us to realize once and for all that I am one with God.



Sickness is a defense against the Truth. I now accept the Truth of what I am and let my mind be completely healed today. God the Truth of my Being is all there is of me. I let go of all of me and let myself be all there is of God. I am in God and God is in me. There is only one Self to be that I am and That is the Self of God.

God is all in all and for all. I am as God has created me. All that I perceive that is of me is really of God. I let go of everything as I breathe in and I let go of everything as I breathe out. Even my breath is the breath of God. My very Life that is my very breath is God. God is my Life, Light and Love and that I share with God. I thank you God for what I am and being all there is of me. Being that you are Everything there is I am everything with you. We are one. I am a center point of your Self Expression.

Instead of aging I have taken a reverse course and I go back to Thee as my Source and I am now youthing. The aging process has reversed and has slowed down to a complete stop and is now instead of aging and decay. I am youthing with new life and regeneration. The Holy Spirit is my own right Mind the Mind of the Father is regenerating me and recreating me in his image and likeness. I am like the Father as the Father is like me. I am one with the Father.

All the cells of my body organism are as one and act as one co-ordinated in perfect harmony and symmetry. All the cells that identify my being work in unison and as a complete whole there is a consciousness there a complete awareness of pure intent to declare God’s handiwork and glory.

I feel resurrected and completely revived a new man in Christ I am. I do not accept any invitations to the contrary that would say that I am not what I am. I withdraw any authorizations to the contrary that say that I am not perfect as God has created me and that my body is the witness of that perfection in me that I am. I am happy healed and whole to day.

I stand in the Holy Place in the Silence and declare my Self one with God. It is in the Silence that I KNOW my Self as I am. It is the Silence of pure intent that I Know that I am one with God and can feel my being speak to me as I am.

I let go of my mantra and my beads and everything else that appears outside of me and go within to that Holy Place that I may be the Witness for the Supreme and the Everlasting and I am glad.I do not Know how God is going to reveal Him Self Her Self It Self to me. All I know is His Presence His Light is there with me and I am Home.

I listen for His eternal Guidance and Direction for today and ask what His Will is for me now and I am glad. Thank you Dear God for answering my Prayer my desire to know Thee as my Self and to Know that I am your Son. Thank you for your Love and your healing. I needed you and you came. Amen

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

Let me perceive forgiveness for what it is. This lesson says, 'There is a simple way to find the door to true forgiveness. When you feel you are temp

Let me perceive forgiveness for what it is.

This lesson says, 'There is a simple way to find the door to true forgiveness. When you feel you are tempted to accuse someone of any sin or mistaken belief in any form, do not allow your mind to dwell on what you think he did, for that is self deception,(My mind, your mind is a part of God's Mind and I am Whole. My mind does not have the capacity to think and I am not the thinker. Ask instead, "Would I accuse myself or blame myself of doing this?"

At first I was putting myself in the place of the one I was tempted to accuse and then I realise what it was saying was that if I accuse my brother I am also accusing myself and the chain I put on him is the one I am putting on myself.

We according to ACIM, that are not awake are not afraid of crucifixion or of fear or of hate, our real fear is of redemption or of the love of God. Even though it is crucifixion of fear or guilt it maintains a separate sense of reality from what God is and that is the egos main attemt to keep us separate which is reality it can not and is only an illusion of a separate sense of self that I am not.

Underneath the mask of illusion of fear and guilt is the reality of our Love for God and Gods love for us.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


This is very interesting to me as I was repeating it over and over again as I watch my breath. The word that stuck out was the word "was.'' What got my attention as I read the lesson that the word described to be a preexistent state from the one I am experiencing Now. I imagined, imaged or visualized in my mind the idea, if I was transported to the time of birth as far as this personality existence goes and say these words, "I loose the world from all I thought it was." I must realize that I had and existence before all this was born in me, instead I was born in it.

The world I perceived when I took my first breath was already the world I thought it was meaning before a prior existence. Now what was interesting about that is that I am teaching Astrology 101 and the first talk was about reincarnation and the idea of karma of past deeds and that when you look at a individuals chart,you are looking at what that individual thought the world was and that he is here now in this 3rd dimensional perspective to choose again and loose the world from all that he thought it was.

The chart of an individual or an entity is a look at a personality and one aspect of Astrology is the study of the Personality or the ego the divided self of man. In observing the chart one can see the choices one has already made in time and therefore his or her potential for change and rebirth or transformation not as an limited self or ego that appears to be ruled by the stars, but a soul or an individuality that is the expression for the Whole Self of man the Christ or the Son of the living God.


The unified theory is really talking about the 4th dimension. Raj has point out and so does CIM indicate the Reality has no dimensions or degrees and that all that exist is Love.

I am seeing that there are an infinite number of points that all exist at the same time and each is a point of wholeness or unity. hInfinity is from the word infinite and infinite is in-finite which means in all things. These infinite number of point exist at the same time and represent what is defined as infinity. Each is a point of Light within the mind of God representing an infinite expression of beingness. We migh also say that these point could be classified as planes in the dimension of time, but the fourth dimension is the unity os all these planes that make up the universe or that which is made by that which is unmade.

Also there is no space and these points also exist in the same space in time which is reall eternity. Each one of us is a point of infinite expression. Now this point is in no way separate from the whole. It is one with the whole and the whole is one with it. The Whole defines the point and the point defines the whole and they both exist within each other.

That is only one possible idea of what Singular Reality could be and that each of us is a point of individuality or being and it is at this poit of being that we find expression of who and what we are. The Father that represent the whole of creation and the I which is the individual Expression of what the Father is being thus the Father and I are one.

One might say that the I is the Son the individual Expression and the Am is the Father. I am

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


Lesson 126 All that I give is given to my Self .

There is only one Self in all of us and everything returns back to the Source from which it came. The drop of water in the ocean goes out and returns to the sea. The spark that is in the flame returns back to the the flame. As I speak this Truth, All that I give is given to my Self from that place of the heart and the center of all being I am reminded of what I really am. I am in the ocean. I am in the sea. I am in the drop of water. I am what returns to me.

As I am repeating the words of remembrance of who and what I am, I am reminded as I am observing my breath that there is a source within me that I goeth and I cometh, just like the breath. It too is part of the whole, being whole within itself. Being a whole part of what is being that is everything there is there is a oneness in it all.

I feel a part of something that is greater then I. I rest and I give all that is myself. I surrender to the all of what it is and I surrender to the truth of my being and I am. I see myself float on this sea of life and tranquility I am rested and I am still in the stillness of what is being in that moment I breathe. I have been rescued from that weary shore of discontent and I am comforted in Knowing I am never alone and that my every step is guided to that distant shore that I may call Home.

It is not so in the distance now as I am nearer my God to thee. I have come home and I have arrived only to meet my Self again. I have returned and I am welcomed and there is a feast that awaiteth us. I feel joyed and I am in peace knowing I am home again.

There is now I Know rest for the weary and a lamp to light the way. Now I Know I am healed and I am Whole and I am one with thee for I am Soul.

I feel deep within me that I do not want leave this place. I stay one more moment and to me is an eternity. Less and less to I want to come back to this world that I thought I made that is as nothingness as it returns back from which it came, back to the Love of God. Now another world appears that is fresh and new and sparkles in the Son of God and in the Sun of God. I am in this light that reveals my Self to me and the Self that all is the very Self of God that I am one with all my brothers in all of the universes of universes.

I am touched by this immortal being and my heart is glad as tears come to my eyes and I feel this immortal Love that comes from you and through you as I realize my self as one with you and that many that you Are.

I am infinite spirit in all that is finite. I am One and you are One with me. I touched with my heart of Love and you touched me in that place I am eternally still. I am Love and I am Loving and I am Loved by you as you Love me. Thank you that all of you are here and thank you for all that you are that God created you to be. Thank you for You just being you as I am.

All that I give is given to myself.

There is I am sure in all of this a greater Harmony then I am Knowing at this moment which all is one. There is a universal Harmony and a planetary Harmony and there is a music of the Spheres. We all are created out of this infinite harmony that is so pleasing to the Self of our Maker. It is the true Relationship of all relationships that exist for us to be. One can say that this inner Harmony that is reflected in the earth, sky and sea is also the very art of being who and what you are in this very moment of Love. May you if you have not already found this harmony this condition in which all things be, find it Now. For it is there and it has not changed and is always waiting for your return though it always KNOWS you never left at all. I am in harmony with you as you are with me. We are all family of one family tree.


Lesson 125 In quiet I receive Gods word to day.

The first thing that came to my mind as I read the lesson today is that there is a quiet place already there in your mind and that there is a reality to these words, “In quiet I receive Gods Word today.” Today is always the present and the quiet is that place of silence within your mind where there is no thinking. It is a calm so deep and interpenetratable that nothing on the outside can penetrate it, only the mind itself in the form of attention. When one places their attention on this point or place of stillness the Holy Place one finds that there is depth and that the depth is endless and supportive at the same time.

When one speaks the words of power and transformation from that place of stillness as if you are the true Self that speaketh (you are the Son of God) there is Movement and a stirring of a Knowingness and a awareness that one Knows thy Self as the one that speaketh. At first it seemeth that the words are speaking outside from that place of the outer mind. Then as one repeateth the Word over and over slowly and silently with the breath and one is focusing on that silence within placing ones attention there in the quiet. Now if there is a disturbance or a distraction coming from the outer mind or the invitation to be distracted, one then notices it and brings one’s attention back to the stillness. Then, if one has lost that place momentarily, then one again brings the attention to the breathing, chanting the mantra until once again one finds that place of stillness and brings the attention there again. I find as I rest my attention there and listen in the stillness there is something that speaks to mind and stirs my awareness to a activity within where I am still at rest. It is very comforting and I feel like sinking deeper into this stillness.

I am feeling this intuitive part of me is now telling me things and I feel guidance from within. Some of the things are pretty mundane at first and then the mundane becomes transformed into the magnificent. I am open to receive Gods Word and I by hearing it am transformed with a new mind.

One of the thoughts that came to my mind in an instant was that I was not aging but becoming youthful that I had reach a point in my awareness where I am returning back to my source the fountain of Youth and so my body too is returning back to its youth vibrant and alive with a new zest for life and vigor.

My body is not aging and decaying but it is youthing and agelessing . I need to watch my self talk that tells me my body is getting old and will decay in time. Instead I am telling my body and I am speaking to my mind that I am youthful and I am returning to full awareness of my eternal youth that never ages nor never dies. I am eternal spirit.

The Word that I am speaking has Authority because it speaks the Truth of what I am. When you speak the truth from that place of being and the one Mind it is then truth you are speaking. The Word has life and is able to move mountains if that is what it decrees and therefore can move any obstacles on your path because it witnesses for what is beyond and is yet here right now. There are no stones to trip on or obstacles to bar your Way.This Word if you speak it will calm you mind and still your breath and heal all that which is not whole just in the same way that Jesus healed the sick and calmed the Sea this is the same Word of Power. It is the Word of a Knowing Mind the Mind of God is that which speaks.

Use this Word as an expression of the Will of God being set in motion. The Word of Power sets all things in motion all creation is in motion because of this Word. It is Love in motion. The thing I am remembering is I can only receive this Word when I am still. It is then the Word speaks to you. I have no thoughts of my own separate from what Gods Thoughts are and the Word that speaketh in my mind and in my mouth are the Thoughts of God and that is what God is being right now in me.

Now this direction of your mind as Gods mind may very well say to you get a job or check the news paper, or cross the street. Go this way. It will always I am hearing speak to your greatest need the one that you are now ready to express and identifies for you fulfillment and where you are most willing and ready. It will always speak to where you are right now and because it knows what you need before you ask it, It will identify that need to you and the way you may experience your need being filled.

In quiet I am hearing and I am receiving what God Word is to me and now I am speaking it to you. Shh, and listen. Listen in Joy! Listen in Peace, but listen.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.



Let me remember I am one with God, at one with all my brothers and sisters and my Self in everlasting holiness, happiness and infinite peace.

What I am remembering here is that I am one with God already and I just need to remember that is so and that is the truth of my being and what I am. I am already one with God. I just need to fully remember that is so. The memory of that fact that I am one with God is already there in my mind because God placed it there when he remembered Him Self as me. I am the face of God and Christ is the face of me.

Nothing can ever interfere with the truth that I am one with God. No matter what I think I am doing, no matter the circumstance of my life at this time, I am still one with God. Let me remember God I am one with you. Let me remember God I am your Son. Let me remember that I am one with all my brothers and let me see the face of your Son in all o f my brothers and my Self that I am one with.

No matter what the appearance may be to me or how far removed I may feel at the time it does not matter. I am one with God and God is with me always. No matter how dark in despair I may think I am, I am one with God. No matter what negative experience I may seem to be having at the moment and no matter how much my brother or myself seem to be suffering, I am still one with God and my brother and it is by remembering that is so will I see my brother free and I will be able to save my brother and me. I will be able to bring peace and comfort to his weary mind. I will be able to heal him and perform any miracle that needs be. When I remember that I am one with God. Let me remember I am one with God that is my saving grace. I thank God for this memory that is place in my mind. I am now remembering that I am one with God eternally and for ever.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.



I thank my Father for His gifts to me. I am seeing that all there is to see and to experience in my life and all those who are sent to me are gifts my Father has given to His Son. I am His Son and His Son can suffer nothing and I am His Son. God has given His Self to me to be His one Son I am and all His creation is. There can only be one Son and there can only be one Father. God gave His Self to his creation. His Self is my Fathers gift to me. I am as God created me. I am His one Son.

I am able because God has given me the capacity to see in everything good and it is the goodness that truly give everything meaning. I have also the capacity to see everything as a gift to me and that means everyone there is and the whole of all creation which is all created out of Love. What a shift from the old way of seeing when you can see wholeness in everything and everyone and when you can see everything as love.

Raj said, That everything you see remember to say Thank you God. You can see a reason or a meaning for everything there is and a reason to thank God for and the Love that is in it. Oh God beautiful! Oh God beautiful!

You are a gift of God and God is a gift to you. Life is a gift that is loving and is loved. Look at everything that way. Ask God to show you that gift that is there while you are thinking there is not any gift and then open your mind and heart and let in God gift to you. I can feel what God is giving and it is peace, it is a open mind to the heart of God. It is Love and it is the Joy of being what I am. I am in Heaven. I am in eternal Joy.

One can say that to everyone and for everyone. We can if we let our Self speak the word of Truth speak for our brother either to his mind or to His Self. We can as the Christ sees for us see for our brother and hear for our brother until our brother can speak, see and hear for him Self.

I thank you Father for your gifts to me each and every moment! It is by thanking God we recognize our true worth and the worth of everything and everyone is. It is by thanking do we allow for more to be received and therefore given. We enlarge our territory and our capacity to love even more and in that recognize the infinite capacity that we have to receive and to give.

I feel in these moment I am having a love affair with God. I am his bride and God is the groom. I am married to God the eternal Spirit of Life. If you can see Gods love you can see God. To see Gods love in everything and everyone is to see God. Love is the recognition of that which is Real in everyone and everything. Thank you God. Thank you Brother and Sister. God bless each and everyone of you.

This Thought of God reminds me of this song. “I walk in the garden alone, where the dew is still on the roses and the Voice I hear singing in my ear, the Son of God discloses and He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own and the Joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known.”

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


What if we are all dreaming a dream to wake up that we scripted or planned for with our guides and invisible agents who are helping direct us to this wonderful event of being totally awake.

What I mean is it not possible that all the circumstances, events and those who cross our path are part of a larger script that we are playing out here in this drama, play or dream and that on the inner planes we are lucid awake to what the drama. play is about and the players we are playing our part with. I am seeing our guides and angels and ourselves who are in a state of wakefullness as far as the dream is concern working together in a educational environment while we are sleeping each night and we are rehearsing each part that we will play in our waking dreams. I means that we as actors and our guides and those who are Awake are directing us on the inner planes to play out these sequences or script which at first is on a ego level and then is transformed as our guides are allowed to intervene and give us new direction so that we have a completely different script then the one we realized before.

One is full of miracles and the other is waiting for the miracle to occur. Remember a miracle is a intervention.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


In the mind I think I am, in the heart I know and feel that I am, in the soul I am that I am and in the Spirit of all that is I am.

I rest in eternal Love, I am as eternal Love created me. I thank eternal Love for the Love that I eternally am.

It is from the still waters of Spirit that I can see my reflection in the deep waters I know that I am. From beyond the clouds of doubt, guilt and illusion at that peak on the highest mountain top and where the clouds of fear and guilt have parted I see my face in the Sunlight of the Spirit as it illuminates the world and all that’s in it I again see my reflection as in a mirror at first darkly and then face to face I can see my gentle reflection of all that is.

My brother man who is my Self, I can see my reflection again and all that I survey I can see my Self as I truly am in all my brothers and sisters and in all the land. In all the stars of the universe and in the universe of universes itself I can see my reflection. I am spirit as I speak these words of life. I am spirit as I am whole. My body now that is the visibility of my Self as I am eternal love now identifies fully with all that I am perfect, whole and complete in every way I am.

There is nothing lacking in me the all that I am and all is in me as I am in all. I am not my body. My body is in me as all the universe is in what I am infinite still I am as I breathe through the leaves as wind in the trees, I am. I am filled as I declare my emptiness and Gods Spirit rushes to fill me and my heart is glad and I know I am. Any part of me I think I lack there is Spirit Gods eternal love filling me with His/Her Well spring of eternal joy and I am free once again to Know my Name is Love.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


In the mind I think I am, in the heart I know and feel that I am, in the soul I am that I am and in the Spirit of all that is I am.

I rest in eternal Love, I am as eternal Love created me. I thank eternal Love for the Love that I eternally am.

It is from the still waters of Spirit that I can see my reflection in the deep waters I know that I am. From beyond the clouds of doubt, guilt and illusion at that peak on the highest mountain top and where the clouds of fear and guilt have parted I see my face in the Sunlight of the Spirit as it illuminates the world and all that’s in it I again see my reflection as in a mirror at first darkly and then face to face I can see my gentle reflection of all that is.

My brother man who is my Self, I can see my reflection again and all that I survey I can see my Self as I truly am in all my brothers and sisters and in all the land. In all the stars of the universe and in the universe of universes itself I can see my reflection. I am spirit as I speak these words of life. I am spirit as I am whole. My body now that is the visibility of my Self as I am eternal love now identifies fully with all that I am perfect, whole and complete in every way I am.

There is nothing lacking in me the all that I am and all is in me as I am in all. I am not my body. My body is in me as all the universe is in what I am infinite still I am as I breathe through the leaves as wind in the trees, I am. I am filled as I declare my emptiness and Gods Spirit rushes to fill me and my heart is glad and I know I am. Any part of me I think I lack there is Spirit Gods eternal love filling me with His/Her Well spring of eternal joy and I am free once again to Know my Name is Love.

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.


What comes to mind is asking to be filled by being empty and simply listening, I am giving myself time to commune with Spirit or the Father by listening. The act is listening, the key word is listening and that there is some one on the other end of the line that is there and has something to say or communicate.

Now in the place of stillness and where there is no thinking and I am being quiet is the place of listening. It is in the stillness that I am choosing to listen. It is where I am abandoning my mind as the thinker that I am able to be still and listen. I am come empty to be filled. I ask for the Truth to correct all errors in my mind. Let me be still that I may listen to the Truth.

Now I do not know exactly what I am doing listening or what that really means, but I am listening just the same. I started to first use my breath and let my breath be as a sharp razors edge that allows me to cut through my thinking part of my mind and come to a place where there is rest and stillness a quiet place where I am aware of a still point that I feel I am my attention is being drawn.

I also use the lesson of the day and repeat it over and over using a string of beads to keep track of my breath and the mantra I am using. For instant, with my breath on the in breath I say mentally “Truth correct all errors in my mind.” And on the out breath, “To give and to receive is one in Truth.” Or with each bead I will say on the in breath, Truth corrects all and on the out breath errors in my mind.

Now I have my eyes closed and my focus is on the breath and on the chant and if I am aware of any thoughts I just notice then and bring my attention back to my breath and the remembrance I am using. As I am giving over the words or the Thoughts of God to the Holy Spirit the words become transform and I can feel the word not just as word but as being real and not that as a separate self speaking the words but my own right mind is speaking them to me the Holy Spirit and to whoever I may direct my attention too.

Now that I am able to bring my attention this center I see within which is where this very Presence of Light, Life and Love is coming from the God within, I am able to dwell there and find rest. It is here at this place this altar that I listen and wait for an Answer to my prayer and my desire to commune with the Almighty. This is where I find my Power and what God is willing in me and in my mind. It is where I am truly inspired and I am moved.

At first I find in this presence that there is this emptiness in me and it here that I am filled. It is here that I am answered with Love. It is here that God comes to me. It is here that God fills me with His/Her love.

It is here that I know that I am Known and I am Loved. It here that I recognize my real Self that is unmade and eternal. It is here that I find my place in the Father and I am Known as his Son and I know God as my Father. It is here that I find my Source and it is here that I extend my Self to you.

My prayer to you Father Mother God is fill me, that I am over flowing and that my cup doth runneth over with Your complete Love for me as I am one with you. Fill me Father that I may know you once again. You are the One the Nameless One that completes me and where I complete you.

My only desire that is true is that I be one with you which is a reflection of your desire to be one with me that we are one in and with each other in full and complete Awareness.

Here is my mind to direct as you see fit and fill it with your Knowing. My mind is an instrument of your peace. Peace to my mind and let all my thoughts be still. Today I give my mind to the Holy Spirit and give it service to do as you see fit.

Fill my mind my Father that in it I may see my brother as my Self that I may have the gift of Vision to see all of creation as a gift of your Love and that I may see and Know all as One. Father I do now accept your vision and I do accept your true Word that is upon Thy lips. I so accept my Self as Thy true son and may I see all of creation as your one Son/Daughter the Christ of all.

I am here to be of service to all, because by being in that place where I am truly in the service to all I again may Know my true Self and by Knowing my Self to be true I am set free.

Let thy Light shine in the mind of all mankind and by that all man may Know the Truth of Thy Being and Knowing Thee may Know themselves as One. Amen

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

Journaling in Writing

Journaling is like painting a picture or playing a instrument. It is a form of communication and can be used as a tool or instrument to communicate with the Divine. It can be used as a means to have dialog with the eternal and the Nameless. Eternity is a realm of being and when you bless any thing with love it then is translated to Heaven and to the eternal realm of being and as long as you hold it in your mind as a loving thought so will it be in the Mind of God. Every loving thought is true and any thing else is and appeal for help and healing.

When you repeat a thought of God in remembrance and give it to the Holy Spirit the word that you silently speak then becomes enflamed and comes alive with energy and light and being and it becomes deeper and deeper a matter of experience.

Say very slowly with your breath, “God being Love is also Happiness” and say it with feeling saying it as if God was saying it to you and He is from that place or pure Spirit and complete silence within. Let the word speak out from you and transform your world of experience as one of oneness. Let the word be spoken to everything you see and everyone you meet. Let the Word speak out from the Holy Spirit your right Mind that is the Mind of God when you experience that Mind as one.

Say it with true devotion so that your attention is on the word itself that each word that comes out of the mouth of God is like Honey to your lips sweet, loving and eternally bright, each new thought is like new and fresh and alive with the experience of infinite Love, Joy and Happiness. Realize the truth of those words as matters of experience and that is the right of everyone to be experiencing Now.

In your devotion to your brother who may not as yet experienced the truth of those words. Speak those words in the silence of your being for your brother that it will also dawn in him as the words of Spirit that is also is right to experience Now and so let it be. Plant the seed and God will give you the increase.

Be the extension of what your brother is really being Love, Peace and Happiness and speak it to His mind, “I seek what belongs to me in Truth.”

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.
Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

Journaling in Writing

In meditation process journeying is a way in for the mind to see iISelf, the Truth of what it is and process that through a proper dialogue of I and Thou the Lover being loved. It is a communion of oneness through a individuality process of ever opening up to new vistas in relationship meaning as one breathes in new life.

This dialogue process is not just for the I to see but for the I am that All is and to extend and share the meaning with those who are an extension of this I am Essence of being so to gather messengers that will support its Verity and Self Knowledge. It is a witness for the Truth that is always changeless at the centter where change is renewed and born again. We all are the manifestions of Right Mind ,being only one mind being experienced in its infinite capacity to Know Itself Always. I am one with the Mind of God the Eternal.

This is truly a process of unfolment and Knowing again as You are already Known. It is allowing the Invsible to be made visible or to be revealed to its true nature and being which is to us revelation. It is all God the Eternal Knowing Itself again through its creation and at the same time becoming what it is creating.

This is manifestion of the I am Presence and is the same as the axiom "As above so below, as below os above, as within so with out, as withi out so within. This is a process of Knowing the within is also the without and there is no longer a sense of separation but a true joining where all is truly one.

This is the Gravitational center where all is moving toward at this very moment of being, truly is the Father where all become One. They become One because the are able to recognize they are One the same one they have always been. We Know this Center as Christ and in Christ all are Known again as One eternally.

There is a First Cause and Center which is the Father invisilbe made manifest through what we call the visible Center called Christ the Word made flesh and this is a second Cause and Center that is the Son and the Third Cause and Center is the Holy Spirit. Each Center is a manifestation of being and all of us as Sparks of the One Eternally Divine are now desiring to unite with the one Eternal Flame which is our Source of all that is being Now.

This is the Heart of the Universe of Universes where Love is given and Love is receive. Let us all drink deeply from this well that we never thirst for more again. Christ is the Word that is our Divinity, our Christ Self that is one Identity Indivisible and Whole with us and as the us we will ever Know. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

The I that I am will continue this journeying and investigation into the UnKnown being made Known through thought and word and most of all through experience of becoming and being, that through It a union can be fully realized and shared with the world and all others that are created to be as we Are.

Daily Thought for Sunday, February 28, 2010 by Master Djwhal Khul I am humbled by the power of love and grace, and I give thanks this day for the rec

Daily Thought for Sunday, February 28, 2010 by Master Djwhal Khul

I am humbled by the power of love and grace, and I give thanks this day for the recognition of each in my own little life.

ACIM Review

Lesson 059 The following ideas are for review today:
(41) God goes with me wherever I go How can I be alone when God always goes with me? How can I be doubtful and unsure of myself when perfect certainty abides in Him? How can I be disturbed by anything when He rests in me in absolute peace? How can I suffer when love and joy surround me through Him? Let me not cherish illusions about myself I am perfect because God goes with me wherever I go. (42) God is my strength Vision is His gift. Let me not look to my own eyes to see today Let me be willing to exchange my pitiful illusion of seeing for the vision that is given by God. Christ's vision is His gift, and He has given it to me. Let me call upon this gift today, so that this day may help me to understand eternity. (43) God is my Source I cannot see apart from Him. I can see what God wants me to see I cannot see anything else. Beyond His Will lie only illusions. It is these I choose when I think I can see apart from Him. It is these I choose when I try to see through the body's eyes. Yet the vision of Christ has been given me to replace them. It is through this vision that I choose to see. (44) God is the light in which I see I cannot see in darkness God is the only light. Therefore, if I am to see, it must be through Him. I have tried to define what seeing is, and I have been wrong. Now it is given me to understand that God is the light in which I see. Let me welcome vision and the happy world it will show me. (45) God is the Mind with which I think I have no thoughts I do not share with God I have no thoughts apart from Him, because I have no mind apart from His. As part of His Mind, my thoughts are His and His Thoughts are mine.

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A Course in Miracle

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar

Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar

. I have in my possession a copy of the letter written by Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome. This Historic Letter is from the "Archko Volume" containing manuscripts, in Constantinople, and the Records of the Senatorial Docket, taken from the Library at Rome, Translated by Drs. McIntosh and Twyman of the Antiquerian Lodge, Genoa, Italy. This has been checked and is in accord with the copy of the original lodged in the British Museum, which has verified the accuracy of the transcription. Verified in November, 1935.

Historic Letter Resurrected Pilate's lengthy letter to Tiberius Caesar---Discusses at length the arrest, the trial and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ


The events of the last few days in my providence have been of such a character that I will give the details in full as they occurred, as I should not be surprised if, in the course of, time, they may change the destiny of our nation, for it seems of late that all the gods have ceased to be propitous. I am almost ready to say, Cursed be the day that I succeeded Vallerius Falceus in the government of Judea; for since then my life has been one of continual uneasiness and distress. On my arrival at Jerusalem I took possession of the Praetorium, and ordered a splendid feast to be prepared, to which I invited the Tetrarch of Galilee, with the high priest and his officers. At the appointed hour no guest appeared. This I considered an insult offered my dignity, and the whole government which I represent. A few days later, the high priest designed to pay me a visit. His deportment was grave and deceitful. He pretended that his religion forbade him and his attendants to sit at the table of the Romans, and eat and offer libations with them, but this was only a sanctimonious seeming, for his very countenance betrayed his hypocrisy. Although I thought it expedient to accept his excuse, from that moment I was convinced that the conquered had declared themselves the enemy of the conquerors; and I would warn the Romans to beware of the high Priests of this country. They would betray their own mother to gain office and a luxurious living. It seems to me that, of conquered cities, Jerusalem is the most difficult to govern. So turbulent are the people that I live in momentary dread of an insurrection. I have not soldiers sufficient to suppress it. I had only one centurion and a hundred men at my command. I requested a reinforcement from the perfect of Syria, who informed me that he had scarcely troops sufficient to defend his own province. An insatiate thirst for conquest to extend our empire beyond the means of defending it, I fear, will be the cause of the final overthrow of our whole government. I lived secluded from the masses, for I do not know what those priests might influence the rabble to do; yet I endeavored to ascertain, as far as I could, the mind and standing of the people.


Among the various rumors that came to my ears there was one in particular that attracted my attention. A young man, it was said, appeared in Galiee preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of God who had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day in passing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave him the appearance of a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years old. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a Contrast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny completion!

Unwilling to interrupt him by my presence, I continued to walk, but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. My secretary's name is Manlius. He is the grandson of the chief of the conspirators who encamped in Eturia waiting for Cataline. Manlius had been for a long time an inhabitant of Judea, and is well acquainted with the Hebrew language. He was devoted to me, and worthy of my confidence. On entering the Praetorium I found Manlius, who related to me the words Jesus had pronounced at Siloe. Never have I read in the works of the philosophers anything that can compare to the maxims of Jesus. One of the rebellious Jews, so numerous in Jerusalem, having asked Jesus if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied: "Render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, and unto God the things that are God's."


It was on account of his sayings that I granted so much liberty to the Nazarene; for it was in my power to have him arrested, and exiled to Pontus; but that would have been contrary to the justice which has always characterized the Roman Government in all its dealings with men; this man was neither seditious nor rebellious; I extended to him my protection, unknown perhaps to himself. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and address the people, and to choose disciples, unrestrained by any Praetorian mandate. Should it ever happen {May the gods avert the omen!} should it ever happen, I say that the religion of our forefathers will be supplanted by the religion of Jesus, it will be to this noble toleration that Rome shall owe her premature death, while I, miserable wretch, will have been the instrument of what the Jews call Providence, and we call destiny.

This unlimited freedom granted to Jesus provoked the Jews--not the poor, but the rich and powerful. It is true that Jesus was severe on the latter, and this was a political reason, in my opinion, for not restraining the liberty of the Nazarene. "Scribes and Pharisees," he would say to them, "you are a race of vipers; you resemble painted sepulchers; you appear well unto men, but you have death within you." At other times he would sneer at the alms of the rich and proud, telling them that the mite of the poor was more precious in the sight of God. Complaints were daily made at the Praetorium against the insolence of Jesus.

I was even informed that some misfortune would befall him; that it would not be the first time that Jerusalem had stoned those who called themselves prophets; an appeal would be made to Caesar. However, my conduct was approved by the Senate, and I was promised a reinforcement after the termination of the Parthian War.

Being too weak to suppress an insurrection, I resolved upon adopting a measure that promised to restore the tranquility of the city without subjecting the Praetorium to humiliating concession. I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with him at the Praetorium. He came. You know that in my veins flows the Spanish mixed with Roman blood--as incapable of fear as it is of weak emotion. When the Nazarene made his appearance I was walking in my basilica, and my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement, and I trembled in every limb as does a guilty culprit, though the Nazarene was as calm as innocence itself. When he came up to me he stopped, and by a signal sign he seemed to say to me, "I am here," though he spoke not a word. For some time I contemplated with admiration and awe this extraordinary type of man--a type unknown to our numerous painters, who have given form and figure to all the gods and the heroes. There was nothing about him that was repelling in his character, yet I felt too awed and tremulous to approach him.

"Jesus," said I unto him at last--and my tongue faltered--"Jesus of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample freedom of speech; nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage--I know not whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but this I know, there is in your discourses a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above those philosophers. The Emperor is informed of it, and I, his humble representative in this country, am glad of having allowed you that liberty of which you are worthy. However. I must not conceal from you that your discourses have raised up against you powerful and inveterate enemies. Nor is this surprising. Socrates had his enemies, and he fell victim of their hatred. Yours are doubly incensed--against you on account of your discourses being so severe upon their conduct; against me on account of the liberty I have afforded you. They even accuse me of being indirectly leagued with you for the purpose of depriving the Hebrews of the little civil power which Rome has left them. My request---I do not say an order---is, that you be more circumspect and moderate in your discourses in the future, and more considerate of them, lest you arouse the pride of your enemies, and they raise against you the stupid populace, and compel me to employ the instruments of law."

The Nazarene calmly replied: "Prince of the earth, your words proceed not from true wisdom. Say to the torrent to stop in the midst of the mountain-gorge: it will uproot the trees of the valley. The torrent will answer you that it obeys the laws of nature and the Creator. God alone knows whither flow the waters of the torrent. Verily I say unto you, before the rose of Sharon blossoms the blood of the just shall be spilt."

"Your blood shall not be spilt," said I, with deep emotion: "you are more precious in my estimation on account of your wisdom than all of the turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them by the Romans. They conspire against Caesar, and convert his bounty into fear, impressing the unlearned that Caesar is a tyrant and seeks their ruin. Insolent wretches! they are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber sometimes clothes himself with the skin of sheep to accomplish his wicked designs. I will protect you against them. My Praetorium shall be an asylum both day and night."


Jesus carelessly shook his head, and said with a grave and divine smile: "When the day shall come there will be no asylums for the son of man, neither in the earth nor under the earth. The asylum of the just is there," pointing to the heavens. "That which is written in the books of the prophets must be accomplished."

"Young man," I answered mildly, "you will oblige me to convert my requests into an order. The safety of the province which has been confided to my care requires it. You must observe more moderation in your discourses. Do not infringe my order. You know the consequences. May happiness attend you. Farewell."


"Prince of the earth," replied Jesus. I come not to bring war into the world, but peace, love and charity. I was born the same day on which Augustus Caesar gave peace to the Roman world. Persecutions proceed not from me. I expect it from others, and I will meet it in obedience to the will of my Father, who has shown me the way. Restrain, therefore, your worldly prudence. It is not in your power to arrest the victim at the foot of the tabernacle of expiation."

So saying he disappeared like a bright shadow behind the curtains of the basilica--to my great relief, for I felt a heavy burden on me, of which I could not relieve myself of in his presence.


To Herod, who then reigned in Galilee, the enemies of Jesus addressed themselves, to wreak their vengeance on the Nazarene. Had Herod consulted his own inclinations, he would have ordered Jesus immediately put to death; but, though proud of his royal dignity, yet he hesitated to commit an act that might lessen his influence with the Senate, or like me, was afraid of Jesus. But it would never do for a Roman officer to be afraid of a Jew. Previously to this, Herod called on me at the Praetorium, and, on rising to take leave, after some trifling conversation, asked me what was my opinion concerning the Nazarene. I replied that Jesus appeared to me to be one of those great philosophers that great nations sometimes produced; that his doctrines were by no means sacrilegious, and that the intentions of Rome were to leave him to that freedom of speech which was justified by his actions. Herod smiled maliciously, and, saluting me with ironical respect, departed.


The great feast of the Jews was approaching, and the intention was to avail themselves of the popular exultation which always manifests itself at the solemnities of the Passover. The city was overflowing with a tumultuous populace, clamoring for the death of the Nazarene. My emissaries informed me that the treasure of the temple had been employed in bribing the people. The danger was pressing. A Roman centurion had been insulted. I wrote to the Perfect of Syria for a hundred foot soldiers and as many cavalry. He declined. I saw myself alone with a handful of veterans in the midst of a rebellious city, too weak to suppress an uprising, and having no choice left but to tolerate it. They had seized upon Jesus, and the seditious rabble, although they had nothing to fear from the Praetorium, believing, as their leaders had told them, that I winked at their sedition, continued vociferating: "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

Three powerful parties had combined together at that time against Jesus. First, the Herodians and the Sadducees, whose seditious conduct seemed to have proceeded from double motives: they hated the Nazarene and were impatient of the Roman yoke. They never forgave me for having entered the holy city with banners that bore the image of the Roman emperor; and although in this instance I had committed a fatal error, yet the sacrilege did not appear less heinous in their eyes. Another grievance also rankled in their bosoms. I had proposed to employ a part of the treasure of the temple in erecting edifices for public use. My proposal was scorned. The Pharisees were the avowed enemies of Jesus. They cared not for the government. They bore with bitterness the severe reprimands which the Nazarene for three years had been continually giving them wherever he went. Timid and too weak to act by themselves, they had embraced the quarrels of the Herodians and the Sadducees. Besides these three parties, I had to contend against the reckless and profligate populace, always ready to join a sedition, and profit by the disorder and confusion that resulted therefrom.


Jesus was dragged before the High Priest, and condemned to death. It was then that the High Priest, Caiaphas, performed a divisory act of submission. He sent his prisoner to me to confirm his condemnation and secure his execution. I answered him that, as Jesus was a Galilean, the affair came under Herod's jurisdiction, and ordered him to be sent thither. The wily Tetrarch professed humility, and protesting his deference to the lieutenant of Caesar, he committed the fate of the man to my hands. Soon my palace assumed the aspect of a besieged citadel. Every moment increased the number of malcontents. Jerusalem was inundated with crowds from the mountains of Nazareth. All Judea appeared to be pouring into the city.


I had taken a wife from among the Gauls, who pretended to see into futurity. Weeping and throwing herself at my feet she said to me: "Beware. Beware, and touch not that man; for he is holy. Last night I saw a vision. he was walking on the water; he was flying on the wings of the wind. He spoke to the tempest and to the fishes of the lake; all were obedient to him. Behold, the torrent of Mount Kedron flows with blood, the statues of Caesar are filled with gemonide; the columns of the interium have given away and the sun is veiled in mourning like a vestal in the tomb. Ah! Pilate, evil; awaits thee. If thou wilt not listen to the vows of thy wife, dread the curse of a Roman Senate; dread the frowns of Caesar."

By this time the marble stair groaned under the weight of the multitude. The Nazarene was brought back to me. I proceeded to the halls of justice, followed by my guard, and asked the people in a severe tone what they demanded.

"The death of the Nazarene," was the reply. "For what crime?" "He blasphemed; he has prophesied the ruin of the temple; he calls himself the Son of God; the Messiah, the King of the Jew."

"Roman justice," said I, "punishes not such offences with death." "CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM!"

"Crucify him! crucify him!" cried the relentless rabble. The vociferations of the infuriated mob shook the palace to its foundations.

There was but one who appeared to be calm in the midst of the vast multitude; it was the Nazarene. After many fruitless attempts to protect him from the fury of his merciless prosecutors, I adopted a measure which at the moment appeared to me to be the only one that could save his life. I proposed a measure, as it was their custom to deliver a prisoner on such occasions, to release Jesus and let him go free, that he might be the scapegoat, as they called it; but they said Jesus must be crucified. I then spoke to them of the inconsistency of their course as being incompatible with their laws, showing that no criminal judge could pass sentence on a criminal unless he had fasted one whole day; and that the sentence must have the consent of the Sanhedrin, and the signature of the president of that court; that no criminal could be executed on the same day his sentence was fixed, and the next day, on the day of his execution, the Sanhedrin was required to review the whole proceeding; also, according to their law, a man was stationed at the door of the court with a flag, and another a short way off on horseback to cry the name of the criminal and his crime, and the names of his witnesses, and to know if anyone could testify in his favor; and the prisoner on his way to execution had the right to turn back three times, and to plead any new thing in his favor. I urged all these pleas, hoping they might awe them into subjection; but they cried, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"


I then ordered Jesus to be scourged, hoping this might satisfy them; but it only increased their fury. I then called for a basin, and washed my hands in the presence of the clamorous multitude, thus testifying that in my judgment Jesus of Nazareth had done nothing deserving of death; but in vain. It was his life these wretches thirsted for.

Often in our civil commotions have I witnessed the furious anger of the multitude, but nothing could be compared with what I witnessed on this occasion. it might have been truly said that all the phantoms of the infernal regions had assembled at Jerusalem. The crowd appeared not to walk, but to be borne off and whirled as a vortex, rolling along in living waves from the portals of the Praetorium even into Mount Zion, with howling screams, shrieks, and vociferations such as were never heard in the seditions of the Pannonia, or in the tumults of the forum.

By degrees the day darkened like a winter's twilight, such as had been at the death of the great Julius Caesar. It was likewise the ides of March. I, the continued governor of a rebellious province, was leaning against a column of my basilica, contemplating athwart the dreary gloom these fiends of Tartrus dragging to execution the innocent Nazarene. All around me was deserted. Jerusalem had vomited forth her indwellers through the funeral gates that leads to Gemonica. An air of desolation and sadness enveloped me. My guards had joined the cavalry, and the centurion, with a distressed play of power, was endeavoring to keep order. I was left alone, and my breaking heart admonished me that what was passing at that moment appertained rather to the history of the gods, than that of men. A loud clamor was heard proceeding from Golgotha, which, borne on the winds, seemed to announce an agony such as was never heard by mortal ears. Dark clouds lowered over the pinnacle of the temple, and setting over the city covered it as with a veil. So dreadful were the signs that men saw both in the heavens and on the earth that Dionysius the Areopagite is reported to have exclaimed: "Either the author of nature is suffering or the universe is falling apart."

Whilst these appalling scenes of nature were transpiring, there was a dreadful earthquake in lower Egypt, which filled everybody with fear, and scared the superstitious Jews almost to death. It is said Balthasar, an aged and learned Jew of Antioch, was found dead after the excitement was over. Whether he died from alarm or grief is not known. He was a strong friend of the Nazarene.


Near the first hour of the night I threw my mantle around me, and went down into the city toward the gates of Golgotha. The sacrifice was consummated. The crowd was returning home, still agitated, it is true, but gloomy, taciturn, and desperate. What they had witnessed had stricken them with terror and remorse. I also saw my little Roman cohort pass by mournfully, the standard-bearer having veiled his eagle in token of grief, and I overheard some of the Jewish soldiers murmuring strange words which I did not understand. Others were recounting miracles very like those which have so often smitten the Romans by the will of gods. Sometimes groups of men and women would halt remain motionless in expectation of witnessing some new prodigy.


I returned to the Praetorium, sad and pensive. On ascending the stairs, the steps of which were still stained with the blood of the Nazarene, I perceived an old man in a suppliant posture, and behind him several Romans in tears. He threw himself at my feet and wept most bitterly. It is painful to see an old man weep, and my heart being already overcharged with grief, we though strangers, wept together. And in truth it seemed that the tears lay very shallow that day with many whom I perceived in the vast concourse of people. I never witnessed such an extreme revulsion of feeling. Those who betrayed and sold him, those who testified against him, those who cried, "Crucify him! we have his blood," all slunk off like cowardly curs, and washed their teeth with vinegar. As I am told that Jesus taught a resurrection and a separation after death, if such be the fact, I am sure it commenced in this vast crowd.

"Father," said I to him, after gaining control of my feelings," who are you, and what is your request?"


"I am Joseph of Arimathaea," replied he, "and am come to beg of you upon bended knees the permission to bury Jesus of Nazareth."

" Your prayer is granted." I said to him, and I ordered Manilus to take some soldiers with him to superintend the interment, lest it should be profaned.

A few days after the sepulcher was found empty. His disciples proclaimed all over the country that Jesus had risen from the dead, as he had foretold. This created more excitement even than the crucifixion. And to its truth I cannot say for certain, but I have made some investigation of the matter; so you can examine for yourself see if I am in fault, as Herod represents.

Joseph buried Jesus in his own tomb. Whether he contemplated his resurrection or calculated to cut him another, I cannot tell. The day after he was buried one of the priests came to the Paetorium and said they were apprehensive that his disciples intended to steal the body of Jesus and hide it, and then make it appear that he had risen from the dead, as he had foretold and of which they were perfectly convinced. I sent him to the captain of the royal guard {Malcus} to tell him to take the Jewish soldiers, and place as many around the sepulcher as were needed; then if anything should happen they could blame themselves, and not the Romans.

When the great excitement arose about the sepulcher being empty, I felt a deeper solicitude than ever. I sent for Malcus, who told me he had placed his lieutenant, Ben Isham, with one hundred soldiers, around the sepulcher. He told me that Isham and the soldiers were very much alarmed at what had occurred there that morning I sent for this man Isham, who related to me, as near as I can recollect, the following circumstances; He said that at about the beginning of the fourth watch; He saw a soft and beautiful light over the sepulcher. He at first thought the women had come to embalm the body of Jesus, as was their custom, but he could not see how they had gotten through the guards. While these thoughts were passing through his mind, behold the whole place was lighted up, and there seemed to be crowds of the dead in their graveclothes. All seemed to be shouting and filled with ecstasy, while all around and above was the most beautiful music he had ever heard: and the whole air seemed to be full of voices praising God. At this time there seemed to be a reeling and swimming of the earth, so that he turned so sick and faint that he could not stand on his feet. he said the earth seemed to swim from under him, and his senses left him, so that he knew not what did occur. I asked him if he could not have been mistaken as to the light. Was it not day that was coming in the East? He said at first he thought of that, but at a stone's cast it was exceedingly dark; and then he remembered it was too early for day. I asked him if his dizziness might not have come from being awakened and getting up too suddenly, as it sometimes had the effect. He said he was not, and had not been asleep all night, as the penalty was death for him to sleep on duty. He said he had let some of the soldiers sleep at a time. Some were asleep then. I asked him how long the scene lasted. He said he did not know, but he thought it was nearly an hour. He said it was hid by the light of the day. I asked him if he went to the sepulcher after he had come to himself. He said no, because he was afraid; that just as soon as relief came they all went to their quarters. I asked him if he had been questioned by the priests. he said he had. They wanted him to say it was an earthquake, and that they were asleep, and offered him money to say that the disciples came and stole Jesus; but we saw no disciples, he did not know that the body was gone until he was told. I asked him what was the private opinion of those priests he had conversed with. He said that some of them thought that Jesus was no man; that he was not a human being; that he was not the son of Mary; that he was not the same that was said to be born of the Virgin in Bethlehem; that the same person had been on earth before with Abraham and Lot, and at many times and places.

It seemed to me that if the Jewish theory be true, these conclusions are correct, for they are in accord with this man's life, as is known and testified by both friends and foes, for the elements were no more in his hands than the clay in the hands of the potter. He could convert water into wine; he could change death into life, disease into health; he could calm the seas, still the storms, call up fish with a silver coin in its mouth. Now, I say if he could do all these things, which he did and many more, as the Jews all testify, and it was doing these things that created this enmity against him-- he was not charged with criminal offenses, nor was he charged with violating any law, nor of wronging any individual in person, and all these facts are known to thousands, as well by his foes as by his friends--I am almost ready to say, as did Manlius at the cross: "Truly this was the Son of God."

Now noble Sovereign, this is as near the facts in the case as I can arrive at, and I have taken pains to make the statement very full, so that you may judge of my conduct upon the whole, as I hear Antipater has said many hard things of me in this matter. With the promise of faithfulness and good wishes to my noble Sovereign.

I am your obedient servant.

Pontius Pilate.

This letter backs up the biblical account of the events of the Life, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.