'Seek and do not find' is the carrot on the stick that must forever remain out of reach if the status quo is to remain protected. For those of us for whom the status quo is running past its 'sell by date' - and whose need for change is our thirst for truth, we 'seek to be found'. Because we do not now look outside for things - to add to ourself, or to another place or time - to become more.
The desire to be restored at the root to sanity must seek and find its true rootedness. Shallow roots cannot be made deeper - no matter how much time is given to trying and our own thoughts have roots only in our own thoughts because of what they have been used for. New growth is now growth in which there is a replacement of the false by the true. But until the desire is constant, it will seem to be choked back by the weeds of the old habit. The old habit is like an addiction to hide and possess - yet can have no power over the truth of what you want. Using inspiration to discern and open the prayer of the heart is a listening within - even while all the noise of ego-habit does its thing. The grace of truth shifts to a spacious calm when the negative loop falls away - and light shines obvious from its Source. Often I write as part of my own 'journey' of listening - for to be found in the Root. Free of the miasma of thought and emotion that counterfeits Life. I do not have a sense of a life to 'go back to' - and the coagulation of think-based life is a kind of living suicide that is not in my heart to desire. Delay is meaningless in eternity - but tragic in time. Well actually - that's not the whole truth - for the mind that thinks it thinks to delay life so to have its own way - is comic - from the vantage point of the Son of God remembering to laugh at the impossible as it dissolves in one's own awareness.
Buddha said - "Wake up! - your house is on fire!" he shouldn't need to tell you now to leave it. How long and hard do we attempt to live more comfortably in suffering - when perfect love - the Correction of mistaken thought - is Your Holy Spirit's Gift to you - at the exact place the problem is. Yes - I know - it often feels dreadful to approach the Light - for our guilt surfaces and our fear increases. But this is only so in the temptation to use these to look through. So grow relationship with Companionship - visible, and invisible. For the power to dispel and correct the mind of sin - is loving as God loves. And this Power Must Already Be in You though it is not of you. Loving you perfectly as you Are - and given to your willingness to share it.
Be still for no reason but to take a shower in being - and then if there are issues to address let them rise to be answered.
Restlessness is properly, the call to rest.
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