I thank my Father for His gifts to me. I am seeing that all there is to see and to experience in my life and all those who are sent to me are gifts my Father has given to His Son. I am His Son and His Son can suffer nothing and I am His Son. God has given His Self to me to be His one Son I am and all His creation is. There can only be one Son and there can only be one Father. God gave His Self to his creation. His Self is my Fathers gift to me. I am as God created me. I am His one Son.
I am able because God has given me the capacity to see in everything good and it is the goodness that truly give everything meaning. I have also the capacity to see everything as a gift to me and that means everyone there is and the whole of all creation which is all created out of Love. What a shift from the old way of seeing when you can see wholeness in everything and everyone and when you can see everything as love.
Raj said, That everything you see remember to say Thank you God. You can see a reason or a meaning for everything there is and a reason to thank God for and the Love that is in it. Oh God beautiful! Oh God beautiful!
You are a gift of God and God is a gift to you. Life is a gift that is loving and is loved. Look at everything that way. Ask God to show you that gift that is there while you are thinking there is not any gift and then open your mind and heart and let in God gift to you. I can feel what God is giving and it is peace, it is a open mind to the heart of God. It is Love and it is the Joy of being what I am. I am in Heaven. I am in eternal Joy.
One can say that to everyone and for everyone. We can if we let our Self speak the word of Truth speak for our brother either to his mind or to His Self. We can as the Christ sees for us see for our brother and hear for our brother until our brother can speak, see and hear for him Self.
I thank you Father for your gifts to me each and every moment! It is by thanking God we recognize our true worth and the worth of everything and everyone is. It is by thanking do we allow for more to be received and therefore given. We enlarge our territory and our capacity to love even more and in that recognize the infinite capacity that we have to receive and to give.
I feel in these moment I am having a love affair with God. I am his bride and God is the groom. I am married to God the eternal Spirit of Life. If you can see Gods love you can see God. To see Gods love in everything and everyone is to see God. Love is the recognition of that which is Real in everyone and everything. Thank you God. Thank you Brother and Sister. God bless each and everyone of you.
This Thought of God reminds me of this song. “I walk in the garden alone, where the dew is still on the roses and the Voice I hear singing in my ear, the Son of God discloses and He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own and the Joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known.”
----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. http://illuminedmindedawakenings.blogspot.com/ Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.
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