In meditation process journeying is a way in for the mind to see iISelf, the Truth of what it is and process that through a proper dialogue of I and Thou the Lover being loved. It is a communion of oneness through a individuality process of ever opening up to new vistas in relationship meaning as one breathes in new life.
This dialogue process is not just for the I to see but for the I am that All is and to extend and share the meaning with those who are an extension of this I am Essence of being so to gather messengers that will support its Verity and Self Knowledge. It is a witness for the Truth that is always changeless at the centter where change is renewed and born again. We all are the manifestions of Right Mind ,being only one mind being experienced in its infinite capacity to Know Itself Always. I am one with the Mind of God the Eternal.
This is truly a process of unfolment and Knowing again as You are already Known. It is allowing the Invsible to be made visible or to be revealed to its true nature and being which is to us revelation. It is all God the Eternal Knowing Itself again through its creation and at the same time becoming what it is creating.
This is manifestion of the I am Presence and is the same as the axiom "As above so below, as below os above, as within so with out, as withi out so within. This is a process of Knowing the within is also the without and there is no longer a sense of separation but a true joining where all is truly one.
This is the Gravitational center where all is moving toward at this very moment of being, truly is the Father where all become One. They become One because the are able to recognize they are One the same one they have always been. We Know this Center as Christ and in Christ all are Known again as One eternally.
There is a First Cause and Center which is the Father invisilbe made manifest through what we call the visible Center called Christ the Word made flesh and this is a second Cause and Center that is the Son and the Third Cause and Center is the Holy Spirit. Each Center is a manifestation of being and all of us as Sparks of the One Eternally Divine are now desiring to unite with the one Eternal Flame which is our Source of all that is being Now.
This is the Heart of the Universe of Universes where Love is given and Love is receive. Let us all drink deeply from this well that we never thirst for more again. Christ is the Word that is our Divinity, our Christ Self that is one Identity Indivisible and Whole with us and as the us we will ever Know. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
The I that I am will continue this journeying and investigation into the UnKnown being made Known through thought and word and most of all through experience of becoming and being, that through It a union can be fully realized and shared with the world and all others that are created to be as we Are.
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