Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well, it is more then I could of imagined, it is like the universe set this up for me and it has taken a while for it to manifest, but before I was living in a efficiency room smaller then a walk through closet and now I am in a one bed-room apt in a very safe and secure building that is accessible to all my needs. It is a miracle in deed and a wonderful place to set up shop for classes and a ACIM study group and gathering. It is everything I need right now and more. I am also having it furnished through a resource agency here in Portland. I am in a subsidized bldg. and I only have to pay one third my income which i am now receiving through Social Security. the rest of my income comes through my astrology classes and the readings I do for everyone. My clients pay me for the reading, but those who live in this bldg. and the other it is by donations. The classes are affordable as well. I also have been told by the end of the year i will be a published author. The name of the books as I see them now are titled, "Practical Wholistic Astrology, Journalings, Free Will Astrology, etc. All of it will be channeled works I am led and guided to believe and know is true. So much is happening to me day by day. I am here by Divine appointment. The Universe of being is arranging everything though my willing ness to see it done on earth as it is in heaven. Meditation daily and prayer sure does pay off for me In invaluable ways and with wonderful people who have come into my life and our all truly blessing each and everyone and all of you here at TGP. It is in that place of emptyness one is filled and one is infilled by the Spirit that is in all things. I am seeing more and more daily and knowing more and more my Self as one in each of us. There is a blessing that is pouring forth on to this earth and all its people and I am standing up as a witness to all that is true. it is Gods will for us all to experience our Self as Happy, Joyous and Free. There are three principles that are invaluable to ones blessings in life and they are appreciation, gratitude and love. ----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.

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