It is interesting to note that when one is on this Journey to find truth and when one meets his guide, one discovers that at the end of the road your guide is there to meet you and to welcome you back home. This comes about through a realization that you and your guide are always together or that the place that you are seeking that is seeking you is your home and is the place that you are already at.
The journey you are taking is really only of the mind and is a change in awareness to where you are really at. Instead of living in a past gone by, you are now beginning to live in a living present that is always now. Living in the present is the same as being home or being at the place where revelation can occur. This revelation is a revealing of what has always been the changeless in you that is now being experienced as an unfoldment of consciousness.
It would seem that you are entering another realm of being or another dimension, but the truth is that you are accessing the very dimension of your being.
We think in three dimensions and we know in one and that one is infinite and is the dimension of your being which is also infinite, meaning it has not beginning and no end and is left to explore endlessly, but instead of learning to develop something outside of it like a model or a copy, you are discovering something that is already there within.
Before you discovered that it was already there and that the space that you thought was there was emptiness, you find filled. It was only a potential in your mind and something that you may have thought was there. But where did that thought originate from a thinking mind or did it originate for your very being where you made a connection with something that is real and had substance to you.
We are tapping into the unknown, but as we do we find it becomes Knowable. The knowable is then realized as another aspect of our Self or of Reality that we did not know before, but we are knowing it now as an extension of our Being and what we are. It is not us and another reality that we are exploring for the first time. The Reality we are exploring is us.
I am learning to discover this new dimension of being each day as I sit in the silence and let what is there to fill my consciousness with the very experience of my being. I know it is there because I am aware of it being there and it is other then what I ordinarily experience with the thinking mind which is only a distraction of what is really there which I can say in words, peace, love, infinite stillness and a joy that is not from anything that I experience outside of that awareness but is within and is deep within and with it I feel contentment, rest, stillness. I feel self assured and acknowledged from a place of being that is constant and is always the same presence and the same identity that I can always identify with.
I also when I drink in to my mind this presence of light I am filled and I am inspired to tell the world what I am seeing and what is there that I know is the very truth of my being. I can hear it speak to me as a voice. It is a inner voice or prompting or a self knowingness of what my being is and what I am to it as I let it express through me and my outer awareness.
It is magnetic and I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame or a drop of water to the ocean I feel connected with it. I feel a part of it. I know there is something there as I look within because I can feel its presence and I see it in me there is light and in this light there is this color blue that is always present and then sometimes I see this point of light that is red and also with in this light I can see many colore but these colore are not stagnant and three dimensional they are living and breathing in me. If I breathe in I can feel and see the light also go in and when I breathe out the light in me breathes out to.
I am captured by it, captivated it by its presence as it beckons me and draws me into its presence and so I let go into the silence within and let it be what I am. Let it be my Self. Let it be the spring from which I draw my strength and sustenance. I feel revived and regenerated. I feel renewed and invigorated. I feel I want to stay here forever and just be still and let my mind know what it is.
As I breathe in I place my attention at the center that I am feeling myself being drawn into. I am reminded now who and what I am and that I am not separated from this presence.
I am reminded again the first glimpses I had of my Self and that light that illuminated to me my real Self the first time I saw myself and it saw me.
I saw a living Presence a living being that was electric blue and that was living pulsating with life and it was alive and it was conscious of me. I also new in that moment that even though it was me it was also greater then me and it knew me more then I knew it. I saw it not with physical eyes but it was a vision before me and I saw it as my self. I saw it as a living throbbing cell conscious life.
I am now reconnecting with this source this Self that I know is my true Reality that I call my God Being because that is what it was to me God being me as my greater Self that I am. The greater part of the knowing that I was aware of was to me that there was yet a greater consciousness or a greater awareness yet to realize and to be one with a greater mind then the one I was perceiving my self having.
In all of this experience of my Self being I felt loved and supported in a way that I never felt before. I felt uplifted beyond any thing that I remembered experiencing before. I also felt care for so much so that I was a part of what was caring for me.
I knew it was God loving my Self as I am. I know now in order to continue to feel this love and support I must be willing to extend it to others. When I extend it to others I realize it for my Self, because I also realize when I am in that state of consciousness of being that that Self is also your Self and every one’s Self . May you find that Self now and the light to guide your way home.
----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.
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