RAJ: First of all you must lay down the resentment. I encourage you to be grateful for the spectacles. I encourage you to be grateful that there is a means available to you to look and see, rather than feel a constant inadequacy because without them you cannot see.
There is a story about a man caught in a flood who has climbed up to the peak of his roof, and the flood waters have risen to the point where they are about four feet below him. And he has sat there praying to God to save him, that if God will save him he will dedicate his life to God. And while he is sitting there, someone comes by in a rowboat and says, "Come with me." And the man says, "No, God is going to answer my prayer." And the man in the rowboat leaves. And later someone in a larger boat comes along and again offers help. And the man says, "No, I am waiting for God to save me." And finally when the water is too torrential for any boat, a helicopter comes by and offers to pick him up. And you are beginning to get the picture. Again, he denies the help, and before long he is swept off of the roof and drowns and arrives at the "Pearly Gates" and is taken in for an audience with God, and says, "I told you that if you would save me, I would dedicate my life to you. Why didn't you save me?" And God looks at him and says, "But I sent the canoe, and I sent the boat and the helicopter."
Divine Love meets the human need right where you are. Take the presence of the glasses as the evidence of Divine Love meeting your need at the moment in language of form that you can understand and accept. In this state of gratitude, you are not engaged in anger either at God or at your body. And in that attitude of gratitude, you do indeed lay the groundwork for healing. It is indeed appropriate for you to expect healing, but in the meantime don't behave as though you are a deprived child when the meeting of your need has not come with signs and wonders, but in a simple form, a recognizable form, a most human form of the need being met. This applies to everyone.
Paul would not even be here today if he insisted that his communion with me be astounding, instead of utterly natural. Obviously if what I have said is true, and I guarantee you it is, there is a great deal for all of you to be grateful for. There is much that is going on in your everyday life that evidences the meeting of your need, that demonstrates the Presence of God in your life, and is therefore justification for gratitude, that you are missing the benefit of because you think it's chance or it's just the way human life is. And so, you walk through your days missing the opportunities of discovering, of discerning just how loved you are, and the proof that you are not alone, and the fact that everything that you experience has the intent of identifying fulfillment of purpose for you.
Your conditioning, or what I would call the ego, suggests that if you are grateful for the spectacles, you will be stuck with poor eyesight. That if you are not indignant about not being able to see clearly and having to wear spectacles, that nothing will change, that it takes the force of indignance to cause the Movement, or shall I say twists the arm of God to get his attention and give you healing. It is gratitude that does it.
There is a poem, a hymn: "A grateful heart, a garden is. Where there is always room for every lovely God-like grace to come to perfect bloom." There's where the relevance is between that which is Divine and you. The grateful heart can only be in you, and it is the place where the Will of the Father shines through. Gratitude is, you might say, the entry point, the place where the Will of the Father can penetrate. Peace is also, but I guarantee you that if you let yourself into your peace, you will also experience joy, which is inseparable from gratitude.
So, let's drop the resentment. Be grateful for the glasses, although they may not be an ultimate form of perfect vision. And then remember as I said yesterday, that it is the intent of your body to identify the Presence of your Individuality perfectly. And when you withdraw from an attacking, or critical, or hateful stance relative to your body, there is nothing standing in the way, or covering up the intent of your body to identify you perfectly. And you will say, "I have had a healing."
If you wish to go to Australia, you are very grateful that there are such things as planes. You do not look at planes as a very inefficient way of getting from here to there, as a very inefficient way of demonstrating your omnipresence. It is very awkward and very limiting. It is your Birthright to be there instantaneously, which means you don't even have to pack because you can pop back home for whatever you might need and return.
But you see whenever you have your need met, you are grateful. So, be grateful for the language of the present perception of your good while being open to the closer approximation of it. That's the end of the answer.
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