Guidance for me from that Centered place within is a link with the Infinite Mind whether by way of one's guide, Holy Spirit or directly with that Infinite Consciousness of mind being the Father or that pure vantage point where one can see into everything there is as what it is in its true nature of its being.
I feel for me in order for there to be a clearer perception in my mind or for me to work on my self on a personal level I must drink deep ot the infinite so that intuitely I am able to see things more as a whole then a fragmented sense of self and that includes all my brothers too. It is in that intuitive awareness that is the all seeing eye that can see all thing as they are or has a truer vision of Reality that I am being objective. Objectivity is a key to pure awareness. It is non' judgemental of itself and it unconditional love.
In meditation I allow my self to drink deeply of that infinite bliss and as I do so I let go even more into my peace. There is this center inside of me that I am aware of that connects me with all things. It is there I am intuitively guided by that which is Supreme Mind.
Guidance for me is a living eperience and our not dead words that were true at one time in that moment, but that moment has changed into this moment of living and I am again reintegrating with the Self Knowingness and i am again recreated in my awareness of this new moment that is once again alive. There is this constant movement of life and knowingness that one can become attune to constantly and respond only to that.
I find that it would be wise for any of you that still hang on to what some one who is inspired or is channeling and that you are posting to open up to your own guidance and post that. Some of you my brothers are doing just that and know the true benefit to come from one's own Self Knowingness. That does not mean not to post what other people are saying along those spiritual and intuitive lines, but it would also be good to hear from your from the depths of your being what is your guide saying to you in the moment, what do you have to share. Ideas increase by how much you share them with the masses.
I would like to hear from your own inner guide or the Holy Spirit in you not that I am not hearing that now in the form of letting others channel for you. I would like to hear it from you directly and open to channel.
I know in the beginning of my waking up to this facility to channel I had the fear that what was coming through would be thought crazy by the masses, but by practicing doing so with my tape recorder or with some person or on the internet, I have found that it is not so and instead I have found many who supported me doing so. It was as if the Universe was supporting me and it is.
I feel there is much needed info that is still to come and the more that we put it out we are preparing the masses for the much needed new age that is now dawning upone us and preparing us to meet with our celestial brothers and the movement that is occuring on the planet right now.
Thank you all for all of your inspirations and keep them going.
----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.
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