It has been said by the Ascended Masters if we are to believe they are here and have been behind the sceness as far as the evolution of humanity in consciousness that "Energy follows Thought." No matter what the thought may be or what form the thougth may take, energy call it the White Light, Great Rays, Rainbow Energy which is what the white Light is composed of is Rainbow Energy or Divine Essence. This Univesal Life energy or Love is the energy of Everthing there is. Everthing comes from this energy at one point or another. Thought is composed of this energy and when you use your thought to create something energy will follow it.
When you align your thought with the Thought of God you are being a co-creator and your thoughts will manifest according to the Divine Thought you are agreeing with. If you are adjust ing your thought with the Thought of Universal Abundance no matter what form of Abundance you are open to it will manifest according to you capacity to receive such Abundance.
This is a way to transfom radical Idealism into practical realism.
One idea that works or techinque I use is to visualize a form of white Light such as in the shape of a hand or maybe a energetic field and see this energy enveloping the earth or any spot on the earth such as Chile or Haiti. One can use any color to describe this energy of thought. The most important thing to remember in your meditation visualization is your intent that is what will be the beam of your focus.
For example sending out a thought of peace in the form of blue energy or white energy as a cloud to these now troubled spots asking the Truth of what is needed here with the intent of bringing help and healing. The Brotherhood of Lifth will then assist you and add to your thoughtful intention their engergy that will what ever form meet the need for that person or aread.
I have experiemented here in the city with different neighborhoods and in my own bldg. too. I have also visualized at the four corners of my apt a pillar of whit light with a flame of blue, yellow and red each day that sets up a energy field in my apt. that anyone who passed through will be in some way touched by this field of healing consencrated energy. It is also a protecitve field so that any thoughts that are here are of the highest order of expression.
Why I am bringing this up because in my medtiation this morning the inner Voice of the Master inspired me to share this because of the question how can I help with this distaster in Chile and this is what has come forth.
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