Sunday, February 28, 2010

Journaling in Writing

Journaling is like painting a picture or playing a instrument. It is a form of communication and can be used as a tool or instrument to communicate with the Divine. It can be used as a means to have dialog with the eternal and the Nameless. Eternity is a realm of being and when you bless any thing with love it then is translated to Heaven and to the eternal realm of being and as long as you hold it in your mind as a loving thought so will it be in the Mind of God. Every loving thought is true and any thing else is and appeal for help and healing.

When you repeat a thought of God in remembrance and give it to the Holy Spirit the word that you silently speak then becomes enflamed and comes alive with energy and light and being and it becomes deeper and deeper a matter of experience.

Say very slowly with your breath, “God being Love is also Happiness” and say it with feeling saying it as if God was saying it to you and He is from that place or pure Spirit and complete silence within. Let the word speak out from you and transform your world of experience as one of oneness. Let the word be spoken to everything you see and everyone you meet. Let the Word speak out from the Holy Spirit your right Mind that is the Mind of God when you experience that Mind as one.

Say it with true devotion so that your attention is on the word itself that each word that comes out of the mouth of God is like Honey to your lips sweet, loving and eternally bright, each new thought is like new and fresh and alive with the experience of infinite Love, Joy and Happiness. Realize the truth of those words as matters of experience and that is the right of everyone to be experiencing Now.

In your devotion to your brother who may not as yet experienced the truth of those words. Speak those words in the silence of your being for your brother that it will also dawn in him as the words of Spirit that is also is right to experience Now and so let it be. Plant the seed and God will give you the increase.

Be the extension of what your brother is really being Love, Peace and Happiness and speak it to His mind, “I seek what belongs to me in Truth.”

----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.
Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

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