If you are going to undertake something, then do so with a whole heart.
Trust is the invitation that the power of love work through the situation - including through those who may historically not seem to be ideal candidates.
If you try to outflank the ego - guess what!
I have come to associate resistance or fear of awakening with all kinds of symptoms at psychic, mental, emotional and physical levels. Whatever you do at body level - don't neglect to be willing to be shown and to notice what is going on emotionally, in the mind - within yourself.
I don't know if it matters what you do or don't choose to do - but I feel it does matter that you first choose for your peace and abide in desire for peace until you feel it. Then, do what you want - from there.
You're quite right that ego loves to have a superior understanding of ego. But throwing out the baby with the bathwater is yet another reaction - and not leaving the game unplayed.
However, if you cant settle and enjoy the day without insinuations of illness getting in the way - it might help to discover that they are groundless in terms of diagnosis. Then you can dismiss them without wondering whether you are mistaken in doing so.
To put all our trust in God is not something we can force - it is a process of discovery. When we feel such a love and abide in it - we can walk calmly and with a trust that stays current. All of our human stuff can be seen in terms of trust.
When we lose trust with life, with ourself, with each other - the light is lost. Much of what we do to compensate or substitute doesn't make us well.
So whatever it takes to be restored to the core trust and safety from which all else flows true - is what I read when I see the phrase "unfolding for the highest good of all".
All the lifting of fears - isn't a job we have to do. Its enough to honestly notice fear and NOT fix it.
But to desire to be still enough for truth to register in our awareness.
To abide in willingness for truth is to see fears fall away as we are shifted to the heart.
If I want to stay doped in self delusion - all I have to do is appoint my thought as the guide for awakening!
But in an open, receptive sense of being - I find that alive within me is the guidance I can trust. And by trusting it - it grows in my awareness. This can become enough of a shift in Identity to simply trust myself. But the same words now point to a current flowing receptive sense of being that is without dilemma or conflict. That sense of self is what I hear when I read, "not I, but Christ, liveth me.
Discovering or uncovering sanity - is a blessed or happy purpose - even though it passes through unsettling experience. So amidst the unsettling we need to consciously remember our purpose. Doing what we truly want is never a struggle.
I personally do not seek physical immortality. I seek to rest in the peace of relationship with truth. Truth is eternal and doesn't involve surviving or any of the mindset of possession and loss.
The mode of experience that we refer to as self in a body in a physical world - is to my understanding, a focus of attention in a very specific way. That is inevitably self centred rather than Self centred. For Self is in God - and knows the Father in the Son.
Whether anything here speaks to your condition - is not my own decision - but it is my trust.
Wellness springs forth from awakened joy - the freedom in safety to be and feel all that you are.
See this mind of limitation for what it is. You don't have to wait for them to give their edict of what the truth is.
(And you can still go - in willingness to watch the whole thing).
in Love's blessing
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