Sunday, February 28, 2010


Before engaging in any affairs of the day or the business of the day, give audience to the Self within. Give place for one's internal Guidance. Ask God of your understanding what is His Will for you now and this day. Ask for His power to do his Will or bidding and then be still and listen for His Answer. Give enough time for His Answer to register with you and expect an Answer is forth coming. Then when you feel that you are ready you can begin the business of the day from that centered place of inner peace.

Hold to that center throughout the day using whatever technique that helps remind you of your center such as a thought of God or a mantra or phrase that help you to stay centered and to act from that centered place. Throughout the day inquire from within for further guidance and direction for the days activities and when a decision is required defer the decision to the Father or the voice for Truth.

Let your mind be filled with a fresh new awareness of everything. Let it be filled with the recognition of every one and everything as being what is Real.

Live in the Presence of the Now that is facing you every moment and with every moment let it extend even further to Eternity which is the extension of the present into the future. Let every future moment be now. Be still with your Self and with your world and with everyone your meet or encounter and ask in that moment to reveal to you the truth of what this moment brings and what this encounter is for. Ask Spirit to reveal to you the truth of what your brother is being in that moment of encounter and union.

When you see that part of your mind that is the thinker or the thinking mind remember to bring back your attention to the awareness of your being or that center where Knowing will occur.

Listen for the truth of what your brother is saying. Listen to the Truth that is the Holy Spirit in your brother the Spirit of Truth. Be still with your mind and listen for the Truth.

My mind holds only what I think with God. My mind holds only what I share, create, communicate and extend with God.

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