In the mind I think I am, in the heart I know and feel that I am, in the soul I am that I am and in the Spirit of all that is I am.
I rest in eternal Love, I am as eternal Love created me. I thank eternal Love for the Love that I eternally am.
It is from the still waters of Spirit that I can see my reflection in the deep waters I know that I am. From beyond the clouds of doubt, guilt and illusion at that peak on the highest mountain top and where the clouds of fear and guilt have parted I see my face in the Sunlight of the Spirit as it illuminates the world and all that’s in it I again see my reflection as in a mirror at first darkly and then face to face I can see my gentle reflection of all that is.
My brother man who is my Self, I can see my reflection again and all that I survey I can see my Self as I truly am in all my brothers and sisters and in all the land. In all the stars of the universe and in the universe of universes itself I can see my reflection. I am spirit as I speak these words of life. I am spirit as I am whole. My body now that is the visibility of my Self as I am eternal love now identifies fully with all that I am perfect, whole and complete in every way I am.
There is nothing lacking in me the all that I am and all is in me as I am in all. I am not my body. My body is in me as all the universe is in what I am infinite still I am as I breathe through the leaves as wind in the trees, I am. I am filled as I declare my emptiness and Gods Spirit rushes to fill me and my heart is glad and I know I am. Any part of me I think I lack there is Spirit Gods eternal love filling me with His/Her Well spring of eternal joy and I am free once again to Know my Name is Love.
----- You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from. Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.
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