Monday, March 1, 2010

Mundane and Spiritual

Question: What is the difference between the mundane and spiritual? Shamballa: Blessings! There is no real difference from what is called mundane and spiritual or Divine only in ones perception of Reality either seen through a glass darkly or face to face. This means with little distortion and a great deal of clarity to see how thing really are. A good scenario in this case would be the moon shinning on the lake water being reflected by the water either distorted by the waves on the lake or if it is real calm can be seen reflected purely and with little distortion. That is how the mind works when it becomes still it can really reflect what is truly there. One cannot see the Self of God or ones Divine Essence because that is what you already Are. The Divine Essence is a infinite experience of being and cannot be contained. One cannot really step out of one's Self and See You, but one can experience through the perfect still mind ones true image and likeness meaning nature. If you can let go of what you are thinking in the moment and ask with curiosity what is the Truth here? What is the perspective one is needed in order to see what is Real here not just the forms such as the chair in front of you or a tree because in Reality they are made of the same of the dame substance not just the element of earth and everything that is wood is earth, but earth is not the substance of everything. What about the element of fire or water or air. In Reality they are all one Thing in essence being Spirit. We give the name of spirit many names but it is all one Reality and from this one Reality all things come to be and are changed. This one Reality is really Changeless as You in your Divine aspect of being which is what is called your Individuality not your personality which is the Mask you are wearing now. Your Individuality can be said to be God differentiated or Self Expressed. What is the Self in You that pure Spark of Individuality expressing the All of you as a point of Light within the Mind of God or Creator. Now with new eyes one can behold the Kingdom of God not in the here after but in the Here and Now. It is here already and we can begin to see it that way with curiosity and a open mind. Ask that the truth be revealed to you and show you plainly what is called the Kingdom of Heaven which is your birth right to be seeing right now instead of your limited perception of a material universe that has not any connection to any thing else where you are matter born to live and born to die. There is indeed a light in everything because God is Light and God is in Everything and with this light one can see into the true nature of Everything there is. One can see God not as something separate and a part from you but you in your totality. Let your mind be empty of any thought that is not establish by your Creator Source meaning not in line with Gods Mind as He the Creator created you not as the Mask you are wearing but in your true Divine Nature of being. Remember through the medium of thought you have the body level of experience and the Spirit level of experience one is real and one us unreal. Which one do you wish to see will be your experience. Say to yourself silently to the Witness in you of the Truth of what you divinely are. I am Ageless, Birthless, Deathless and Changeless. I am as God created me, perfection beyond but right here and now infinitely so Are You. Everything you think you are seeing has the intent to reflect perfectly the grandeur and magnificence of what God is being. That means in everything encounter with everyone and everything is a Divine experience and Awakening and a Vision of Truth is ready for you to embrace which is Love embodied and Love Expressed. It is You. One needs to hesitate for a moment and ask what is the truth here that I am not seeing in this person or thing. What is the Divine perspective that I am not seeing so that I can see the Divinity of this person who is arguing with me or I appear to be angry at. All is the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is where God dwells. You are the Kingdom of God because God dwells in You. God the totality of being is dwelling in you now and is also in all of His/Her creation. That is the way God manifest is through what He created becoming Him/Her or It. What you allow God to manifest through you as you and in your world one then can see the perfection of everything that is already being and one can see the evidence of it. Everything here, the blade of grass the stem on the trees the wall of your room the earth beneath and above, in everything you see is the Evidence of what is God being right there where now appears to be something that is quite ordinary seen it once before and seeing it again just the same way I seen it before. The next time pause and breathe in and out slowly and ask the tree or the grass or the sidewalk ask God reveal your Self to me. Let me see you right where this tree has appeared because the tree is only there to identify you perfectly. God is Spirit. God is breath. God is life. God is Light. God is Love. God is You. Breathe in and realize that that breath is you true Essence of being the energy of Love. It is also you in your totality. It is the breeze where the stem of the leaf bends in the wind to give it direction and Identity. Breathe into the center of you being and from that center breathe out all that you are, not this body which is your temple here on this plane but the Spirit that is the Emanater of Life. Listen to your breath, Watch your breath gently in and out softly. Focus on your breath in and out and between and become still as the still water that runs deep in you. Become still and listen for the truth. If you have thought otherwise blow then gently away and come back to the stillness within. It is here at this center of calm one can begin to realize Itself in Everything there is. In all the universe of stars and galaxies and planets and in all the grains of sand it All of what you ARE. The All of You. Happy Journeying

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