Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spiritual Discernment

just saw the movie "The Secret" and there was for me some very interesting ideas and thoughts, but I feel also there is a need for spiritual discernent. I mean by that what is real and what is unreal. What is a true teaching and what is not but has the form of a true teaching. Without the Knowledge of the True Self or the Holy Spirit one's own right might one may fall into a trap of thinking one know when one does't. One may know about something, but to Know directly is only the true measure of righteousness or right use ness. The right use of mind.

First of all there really is no secret it was used by those who did not know to gain power over others. The secret place of the most high us that place found within the mind where there is an absence of thought and where true knowing can occur meaning piercing the veil of illusion and seeing into the nature of Reality. We do not create our own reality, but we do create or make our experience of realty. Reality is the kingdom of heaven right here and right now. It is the true state of mind or nature of what everything truly is.

It is true that there is a law of attraction, but it is also true there is a law of cause and effect. so what we create will always have an effect both is what you can call the outermind the mind of this world and the inner mind the mind of spirit. What we sow, we also reap.

So the question is asked what do we want and why do we want it. We already have everything we want. It is a matter of choice and accepting the choices we are making. The trap of the ego is that the ego can never be satisfied that is the nature of a ego. Also everything will eventually pass away as the bible says, you can have the whole world and lose your soul. For me I see this is time for the sword of discernent to cut away this egoic mind of spiritual materialism.

The way to have any thing is in giving and in that way you receive. you can not give what you do not have so their is a need first to receive it for yourself by connecting with your source of being and allowing it to flow to you and through you and extending it out to the world at large so that what you give to others you are now giving it to yourself. The way to experience your Enlightenment is to give it to others in your thoughts, words and deeds. As you give so do you receive. Just because you can have everything your want.doesn't mean that you will be happy. people without knowing it become the slave of the things they want. That is called attachment.

So I want the things that are in line with my spiritual path that are in harmony with the life that flows though me and as me. I choose to be in harmony with the planet and the universal energy of my being that which create love, beauty and hamony and all of the other divine attritbute we ascribe to the Divine.

Thy will be done. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His right useness and all else will be added onto me. The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. Instead of going after every whim and fancy that comes in ones mind what comes of peace. What supports a mind that is happy. I like the story of the "Midas Touch", King Midas wanted everything and he wished everything he touched would turn into gold and he got it, but with it came the consequences of his wish he touched his daugther the only thing he love and she turned into gold. The question to ask is not what you want, but is what you want in your best interest and in the best interest of the planet and all sentient beings. Will want you want produce a lasting happiness or is this temporal. Are you attached to the thing you want or are you free to have in order to give it way. What is the true value of the thing you want. Everything of itself is really empty meaning it has no real value of itself, except the value you give it. Do you give it eternal value or temporal. As Jesus said, All things will pass away, Heaven and earth will pass away and only the truth that is eternal will stay.

Be careful of what you are attracting even when your thinking may say it is good, use your spiritual discernent meaning the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Guidance to discern for you, because God knows what you need before you ask for it.

I believe when you seek outside your self for the things you think you want or will make you happy you will suffer disappointment. If you are looking to establish your identity by the things you think you possess you are going to be unhappy.

You can also tell if the things you want or the thoughts you think are in your best interest by how you feel. Are you happy and are you happy with the results of your thoughts and if you are not then change you mind weed out those thoughts that are not working for you and replace them repeatedly with happy thoughts or those thoughts that will produce happy feelings. I know it take repeadedly practice over and over again until the outside matches the inside of what you really want.

The real or true secret is "Know Thy Self" that has been a secret only because this teaching has been kept hidden by those who have not gone withing or have permitted others.

Know the Truth which is Thy Self and directly know this Truth and you will be set free from all illusion.

You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.

Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

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