Q What I like to know Master is how does one function in the same way and manner that you and the Master of Wisdom function. What does one do to access one's omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence as all of you who are now Awake and have ascended to a higher plane of consciousness. Describe if you will what it is like to be in that state of mind all the time. I am looking for greater service on the planet because that is what is needed here. yes to be on one mind and to be able to communicate or what has been said commune with all minds individually and collectively at any time telepathically so that other minds can be trasformed to a higher function of being and there fore they too may experience their infinite potential on a more conscious level and experience omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence which is really our birthright or Divine Heritage to be experiencing not just for individual being but for all sentient beings. How do we do this on a daily basis and apply this Divine Focus in our dailly activities seeing the face of God in everyone and everything. Being the center of what God is being. I know that there is a center and that center is the Center of everyone and everything and that it is there one can truly communicate or join with another. In Consciousness or mind all is converging into that Christ or Buddha Center. WE are all returning to the infinite conscious experience of being and that is what this Awkening for all of us well be returning to Oneness not as the proverbial mush but as sparks of light knowing there light as a individual is also the Whole. It is all One.
Please if you would espound on this subject from the plane you are functioning on right now. Thank you
A Shamballa Greetings to all of you from the plane of Shamballa the home of the Celestial Brotherhood or those who are Ascended and are Awake and fully conscious of their Function of being. We who are your brothers and sisters have traveled with you for a millenium of your earth time and have also experienced at one time or another the human drama. We are now in a position where we can help redirect humanities efforts according to what has been called the Divine Plan or Order of the Univese.
Let us first talk about consciousness and what is the function of consciouness in the mind and universe and in your world of time and space right now as you are perceiving it with your physical eyes or senses of perception.
Consciousness is simply Awareness. It is also Light the visible manifestation of what is called Spirit. What or Wherever your focus is or what your concetration is that is where your consciousness or awareness will be. Now with anything else there are layers within layers of everything meaning everything is not always as it appears.
You are not as you appear. You are more then the appearance no mater how will the shape you may appear in. There is stilll more and the more that You are is more then the body you perceive yourself in. You are the Consciousness or you are pure Awareness. This Awareness or Self Knowingness is what you call Spirit. Spirit is Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotence. It is in this mind that everything is created or thought into being.
We here the Awakened Ones the part of the brotherhood that is now Awake think within a collective mind. You can say all our thoughts are experienced in one Mind. They are always in Harmony with the Whole. There is no dissension among us wanting to separate as egos with their own agenda. We see no pupose separate from the Whole because we see one Mind. Your mind is my mind because it is one mind, but we do have individual use of that mind and we can there fore create with that mind as long as it is for the group good of that mind and our group good is very extensive infact enircles the universe. there is Life everywhere and where there is life there is Sentience which in Reality is the Awareness of Life or Life being Aware of Its Self being Conscious Energy and because there is a Center of life in everyting ther is also the awareness of a Self or Identity with the thing it is being no matter the form it may take.
Our intention is to be fully aware by waking up other minds to their Divine Potential and when all minds are awake again because that what we are doing is remembering again or Knowing again as we are already Known by this Divine Consciou Energy called Spirit call Love, then all will be able to function as a Whole activating one's Universal Potential in everything we think say or do.
The way for you now to act and function in the same manner as we are experiencing our self being is to think with us and act in accordance with the Movement of Life, which is the mind as a Whole becoming more and more Aware of its Selfless being.
There is no one individual self or mind claiming to be the one mind for itself alone with us of the Brotherhood who are Awake, but instead all SELF Awareness is experienced as one Self being your Self as it is mine, but experience in a individualized way and at the same time collectively.
As you experience more and more this center with in you and at the Center of you your mind will expand and the Movement toward us will naturally occur. This is the Movement of Life the Movement of Oneness.
It will be like moving into a new courntry but you will being experiencing it as the movment of mind.
By using your mind and concentrating on the thought of being here with us either by visualization which if you will be still enough and open enough we can help direct your mind and give you the creative thought visualization and by focusing on that thought will be transported there.
You are not really going any where because the You that We all are, though it is individualized it is also the Center of everythng which is also the Whole of Everything too and that means the universe and one can just by thinking it and holding ones attention where that thought is can be anywhere and that means with us.
We have places created for that purpose. We have conclaves, assemblies and councils and we have places for you to visit where you can appear just like we can appear to you.
As you let down more and more the layers of resistance or the veil between our world and yours we will appear to you right in your room and you also will be able to appear to us in a body of light which is in your language the wedding garment or the white robe..
Communication will be one mind to another speaking your thought in mind intentionally as a way of communication we will instantly know what you are transmitting to us as you will also know what we are communicating too. We will not need to speak word or interpret to each other what the other is thinking or saying. We will communicate directly Knowing each others thought. We will merge as one mind dialoging as two or more. It is easy once you get used to it and becomes a habbit of commuincating.
Practice if you like and you feel the movement toward communicating like this in a expanded Awareness field.
We Know all of the Brotherhood knows how to communicate this way and we can communicate with many minds at the same time and be aware of more then one mind at the same time. We do know your thoughts and feelings if we tune into you. We can see your light bodies your energy field, your Soul. We can with permission look at your life records, your present state of mind or evolution, but we will not infringe on your free will unless you give us permission. If you will invite us in we will merge with you more and more in mind where the merge will be so perfect there will be no a sense of separation between our mind and yours and we will be as one.
It will be as I will know your thoughts and your will already know mine and in this Awareness of completness with each other I will know your mind at that moment of union, you will also know my mind. When this happens there will be an awareness of a more larger perspective or infinite awareness of ones being being you and being me at the same time. The mind will expand the more we are joined the more the mind will expand and you will be able to experience Reality from a less distorted frame of reference and it will become your frame of reference all the time.
Not only will we be able to know your thoughts and feelings, but we will know you in your Essence that Divine Spark of love that each of us are within the Divine Flame of God the Undifferentiated One.
It will be like the drop of water returning to the sea or the Spark returning to the Flame and remembering that the drop is also the sea and the Spark is also the Flame. It is all One and it is You.
This is a wonderful subject and as you know with your permission we of the brotherhood putting those thoughts or ideas in your mind. We can do this by shinning light in your mind I mean a Beam of light that activated those centers of perception.
Thank you for allowing me to come to you in this way. Blessings
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