Raj Excerpt — Lake Morey, Vermont—1992—Part 1
QUESTION: This is not my original question I planned to ask. It just occurred to me that it's a question I've had for a long time. In the Bible, in Revelations somewhere it says something to the effect, "in the last days woe to them that are with," and as I remember it, it said, "suck,"—s-u-c-k—which I assumed meant to women who were nursing small children. And I've always wondered if that's really what it meant.
And I have heard you say on some of the tapes that this is the last incarnation, and I got the feeling that there was forty more years before we were to get through with this Awakening. I guess I'm asking about the birth of children from this point on? I don't know how to put that into a question, but...
RAJ: I understand. I will tell you all something: Forget about what you read. Those individualities who are coming into the picture at this time are—if we're going to compare—are by comparison with the past, a most marvelous set of individualities.
Fully, I will say, eighty to eight-five percent of all children who will be born in the next twenty years will, shall I say, have stood in line for the purpose of coming into this lifetime to facilitate the Awakening process. I have mentioned before that this will prove most interesting to their parents. And it will be well for the parents to dare to be willing to learn from their children and not attempt to hold them in a place of ignorance because they're supposed to be children.
I also want to set to rest some fears that have come up as a result of hearing that I have said that this is the last incarnation. It does not mean it will be the end of life, but it also does not mean that this is your last chance to wake up. The reason it will be the last incarnation is because everyone will have Awakened. And so whether you are interested or not, whether you are preparing for it or not, it is going to happen.
It used to be that one had to apply himself or to have a very consistent conscious intent to Awaken in order to Awaken. But as I have said before, the number of those who are still dreaming is less than the number of those who are Awake. And those who are joined in dreams, who are joined in the dream of limitation and separateness and tininess, are not enough to hold the dream together by virtue of their mutual agreement to dream.
And so, there is spontaneous Awakening that is in process, and which I have referred to as stirrings of those who are asleep, a restlessness that those who are asleep are experiencing, a felt desire for something although they do not know what, a fidgetiness in their life. You must treat this feeling the same way a mother treats the first stirrings of the child within her womb and become curious and to be allowing because this Awakening will literally rouse you from your dream.
It will feel to you as though you are having great support in the Movement of Awakening, when actually what it will amount to is that it will be hard to stay asleep. You could say that you used to have to wrestle your way out of a nightmare, or wrestle your way out of your dream to rouse yourself, it took a great conscious intent. Now it takes far less. And in fact, it is happening with all of you, and it is happening with all who are not even aware that it is a potentiality at the moment. And so, as I have said before, you live in interesting times.
I will tell you that if there is a child who is nursing as the Awakening occurs, that child will be embraced, as well as the mother in the Awakening.
The Awakening means, each one's coming into the clear conscious experience of Who They Really Are, and the clear conscious experience of Reality as it really is, and the awareness that it is all God, and it is all You. Not as though there are two separate things—God and You. But when I say it is all God, it is saying it's all You. But you will have the conscious experience of it from the infiniteness of God's point of view. You will not have the experience of it as a tiny viewer of it.
Remember that you will either Awaken as a result of willingness, or as a result of suffering that has coming from resistance to it. But the suffering isn't inherent in it.
I am here to tell you that you do not need to be afraid and you do not need to resist. And I am suggesting that you start practicing nonresistance with little things. And understand that the context in which you deal with the little things and even the big things—which are really little things—the context of it is the Kingdom of Heaven. The context of it is that which you divinely Are, which infinitely embraces the tininess of what you think you are. And as I said, that which is pushing you to let go, is that which you divinely Are. And when you let go, that which you let yourself go into is that which you divinely Are. And you will come to see that the problem of being was a little bit of nonsense that seemed very real, that seemed to be going on in the middle of the Kingdom of Heaven. So do not be afraid of the end.
The Awakening process that is happening was and always has been known. And what was written in Revelation has become irrelevant. The details, the Apocalypse as it were, because, as a whole, those of the Brotherhood who are dreaming that they are asleep are not being as resistant as was likely. And the Awakening process is happening more rapidly and more gracefully. So you do not have to be afraid of the gnashing of teeth, the suffering, the catastrophes, etc.
And I'm here to tell you that it is inappropriate for you to embrace these, shall I say, New Age predictions of catastrophe, of land masses falling into the ocean, of greater and greater danger.
If your body is the visibility and the tangibility of your Individuality, then all form must be the visibility and tangibility of God, and therefore incapable of reflecting anything unlike its Source. Therefore, if what we would call the mass mind, or the accumulation of all of these apparent limited egos, is loosing its density, and if there is indeed a willing, more conscious embodying of one's divinity, then everyone's perception of the world is going to improve, and you are going to find the world manifesting more and more harmony, more and more perfection.
So when you hear these rumors, when you hear that you have to move inland so that you can have ocean front property in Idaho, do not energize that. And do not energize fear, if you cannot leave California, or you cannot leave some place that is supposedly going to be devastated. The process of Awakening, the process of experiencing clearer mental awareness means that what you are going to see would be called healing, the harmonizing of anything that has seemed to identify inharmony.
So do not feed into these suggestions with your fear. Do not even feed into them by saying, "even if they are awful, I am going to embrace them, because I know it means the end of everything unreal." Do not find any peculiar way of justifying inharmony. If healing meant that you were going to get worse, nobody would pray for healing.
So the end is not frightful. There will not be a Holocaust. There will not be Armageddon. It could be said that AIDS is a pestilence that is a part of Armageddon. It is not. It simply represents the specific opportunity for the link between mind and matter, mind and form to be demonstrated as a fact.
The first healing of AIDS, and every subsequent healing of AIDS, will be as a result of the relinquishment of guilt by the individual experiencing AIDS. And once that is recognized and the healing occurs, and that one is able to share to those he knows who are suffering from AIDS that it was the relinquishment of guilt, and the absolute evidence of no HIV virus is verified by physicians, it will be much easier for the next one to give up whatever guilt he is carrying or she is carrying with him or her.
And this will demonstrate irrefutably that the body is the visibility and tangibility of Individuality, which is entirely Mind. And that, therefore, that which is the visibility of Mind must be entirely mental also. That is going to be the key factor in releasing everyone from this very solid conviction that they live in a material universe made up of substance that has nothing to do with a divine Presence, or Spirit/God.
It's time for that connection to be made. It's time for the realization to occur. This will be a—there is no adequate word for it—most significant discovery that will revolutionize existence, because it will promote with great rapidity the consummation of the process of Awakening.
So do not say that AIDS is just one of the first steps of Armageddon. And do not fear, do not imagine what it must be going to be like and frighten yourselves with it. You see, you don't want to become sidetracked from staying on target, you don't want to be sidetracked from giving your attention to your center, your peace, that not-knowing place where Truth can reveal itself. And fear will always distract you, if you let it in and validate it and then build it with your imagination of the worst.
There is a great deal of rejoicing at the most graceful way in which the last stages of Awakening are unfolding. And there is much support for each one of you as you begin to embrace it and let it in and embody it. In other words, live out from that self awareness and treat your brothers and sisters out from that awareness of your divinity that you experience as a fact.
Now you have not in the course of this five days been whipped up into a frenzy or a high of spirituality. But you have been helped to a place where you can more easily and spontaneously give yourselves permission to feel good, not excited, but good in a grounded way, and feel your love, and as a result feel the love that has no connotations of personality with it, a love that you have experienced together that is very different from your other experiences of being in groups of people.
At the bottom line, all that needs to happen is for you to find a way to give yourself permission to let down your masks.
And that is what I have been here to provide the environment or opportunity in which you could let down your masks and have a different order of experience, not only of yourselves but of where you are, at times a different order of experience of time. Not that time disappeared but that it fluctuated, so that a long time seemed like a short time, and a short time seemed like a long time.
When it begins to fluctuate, it becomes easier for you to see that it isn't real. I mean by that, that it isn't actually a measurable fact, just as your ego sense of yourself which you think is so definite. When it begins to waver and you have a different order of experience of love with each other, it makes it easier to see that your ego sense, or your ego perception isn't really a fact. You see, when things begin to fluctuate, you know that the definiteness of a thing is coming apart.
If you have been ill for a long period of time, and then you get better and then you get worse, and then you get better and then you get worse, and then you get better and then you get worse, you know what that is saying? It isn't saying that you're doing something wrong, that maybe you were getting it right, but then you weren't, but then maybe you were, but maybe you weren't. It means that the definiteness of the problem is no longer definite. It means the problem is breaking up. It means that you are not energizing it enough to validate it consistently. And in the inconsistency you have the proof that it isn't a fact. And that can provide you with the encouragement to go ahead and let go of it all the way, because where you had thought it real, now its very ability proves that it isn't.
Lots of things are going to begin to not be as dependable as they were. And the point is, don't become frightened about it, because the only thing that can become variable is something that wasn't real, but which you thought was. And, if it's breaking up, then encourage its total dissolving. Because when it dissolves, what is Real will be standing there and you will recognize it. And you'll say, "It's just like me."
In other words, you will be able to recognize Home, you will be able to recognize Home and you will remember what you see when you see it. It will be like you and you will be like it, because it is all what it really is.
It is almost as though the veil will get moth holes in it, and you'll see through it, and you won't see through it, and you'll see through it, and you won't see through it. But in the process you are having the increased ability to recognize the Kingdom of Heaven, to recognize what's Real, and that it is just like you—Real.
Many of you over the past year have known friends who have been having a real rough time, more so than a year before. And many of you are some of those friends. I will tell you, that this has been a year of cleansing, clearing out of garbage. And a lot of garbage has been your favorite garbage. If you are not careful, you will say it is circumstances out there that are responsible for my having to let go of some of my favorite garbage, because you think your garbage is wonderful, beautiful stuff and not garbage at all.
Now you can either say this is the beginning of the end in a negative way, or you can say it's the beginning of the end in a positive way. And you can begin to dare to take a look to see that it's really your very own integrity insinuating itself into your experience and uncovering what isn't of value for you. And therefore, you can anticipate, because it is not a negative force at work in your life, that there will be an end result of greater clarity, greater clarification of purpose, greater clarification of abundance.
You know what your biggest problem is? That you wanted to be in charge of the change. Well, You, with a capital "Y", are in charge of it. And that's why whatever your disastrous circumstances are, or have been, are really to your advantage. And so when things seem to be being taken away from you, when you seem to be deprived more and more of things you have been able to depend on, instead of mourning its loss, I encourage you to see what this little hole in the veil of your perception has uncovered. Ask, "What is being uncovered here?"
There is no evil. There is no devil. There is either clarity or unclarity. And unclarity begets unclarity, and unclarity substantiates itself, increases itself, and it seems to prove that indeed there is some negative force, but it is just lack of clarity.
So now you have nothing to blame all of your problems on. And in fact, I am stating to you that blame is a useless and irrelevant thing, even blaming yourself. Instead of saying, "I must have done it, if nothing out there did it. I'm responsible. It's my fault." Say, "What is my capital 'B' Being uncovering here?” . . . because there isn't a single thing that happens by chance.
Many of you have decorated the veil with marvelously, intricately beautiful designs, creative artistry. "You mean I've got to let go of that?" And you're asking to hold on to the veil. Let it get moth eaten. Let your wonderful creative design disappear so that you are not blind any longer. Don't be afraid of waking up.
And as I've said before, don't distract yourself from your own emerging conscious experience of your divinity by waiting for me to come in the clouds to take you up. Let us say that I came in the clouds and came down and stayed with you. O-o-o-oh! Well, then you'd be faced with having to go ahead and waking up because no one else is going to do it for you. You are the "Second Coming," not me. You are the Christ who is to appear. And the time is at hand. And worst of all, it's happening. It is happening!
Paul had the startling experience of finding his whole environment changed drastically in six hours. It was such a drastic change that it seemed not to be able to be embraced instantaneously. And you could say there was a period that followed in which he became acclimatized or adjusted to the change.
I want all of you to understand that your Awakening will seem to occur in slow motion, else there would seem to be a break in the constancy of your experience of identity. If it happened in the twinkling of an eye, it would be like being George this moment and Henry the next moment, and God knows who Henry is! That's a Truth! God knows who Henry is, but Henry will not know who he is.
And so, there will seem to be a process to it in the sense of something occurring in time. And it will happen as rapidly as it can happen and have you not lose a continuity of the experience of identity, even though your identity is changing from the ego perception, called personality, to the divine experience of Individuality. It will happen as rapidly as it can without your losing the continuity. And the process is in process at this instant. And everyone is chosen.
So you no longer need to wonder if you are going to be left behind, while a hundred forty-four thousand are taken up in bliss. Everyone is involved. You are seeing the evidence of it around your globe in the radical changes in social order. And there is more to come. And it's not coming because of the exercise of power of governments. It's happening because people are experiencing themselves deeply, and in the honesty of that experience they are saying, "We want what is humane, because we know what humaneness is, and it is now becoming more important to us than any ideology or teaching there is." And the very love that constitutes the actual substance of every single Individuality is being embodied and changing social order and changing governments. It just seems as though you're on this journey by yourselves. That's the end of the answer.
Raj Excerpt — Gold Coast, Australia—February 1993
QUESTION: Hello, Raj. Often I feel a sense of imminence, of great change happening, and I guess I have done this the last twenty, twenty-five years. And yet wonderful things have happened. And yet, often at the same time, I look out still seeing the same old mundane world out there. And I wonder whether we'll see a great coming or apocalypse, an unveiling of light happening in the next ten, twenty years.
And yet at the same time I'm also reminded of the quote from Revelations which says, "Eye have not seen (in other words, our own eye), ear heard, nor has entered into the mind of man or woman what is in store for those that love the Lord." So with that I continue on and see a lot of magic. There still is a lot of mundaneness out there.
RAJ: It will continue to look mundane until you begin to look with new eyes, as I mentioned earlier. I will tell you that there is nothing mundane going on anywhere, anywhere.
"Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard." That doesn't mean that eye cannot see and ear cannot hear, it just hasn't yet seen or heard the more of everything that is present than you are presently perceiving.
Indeed, Awakening is already in process. A Movement is already occurring. And it is occurring from the grass roots up. It is occurring from within the hearts of everyone, although some are allowing it to register with them more easily than others.
Twenty years is, well I'm going to put it this way, it indicates a little too much patience on your part.
The year 2011 will mark the year in which everyone will be conscious of the fact, in a participatory sense, that Awakening is occurring, that the veil is being lifted. In other words, by 2011 not one soul on your planet, or those who have passed on but who are not Awake yet, not one Individuality will be unconscious of the fact that Awakening is occurring. Between now and then many will increasingly be aware that Awakening is occurring and will be experiencing shifts of perception, so that eye will be seeing and ear will be hearing.
That is one of the reasons that we are together in this fashion today, to give support to that Movement that is occurring within individuals, but for which they cannot find any real external, shall I say, support group. And that is why you hear me encouraging you to listen, to go within, make the connection with your guidance, so that you will have that support available to you that will not be as questionable as something coming from your fellowman which may have little unique biases to it, depending upon the background of that person.
Indeed, you live in most interesting times. More than that, you live in the middle of an inner Movement of Consciousness—yours—in which you are becoming freed from the bondage of your limited perceptions.
This process of Awakening has been possible forever, ever since the moment any of you abandoned the infinite view, that was your Birthright, for the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. But I will tell you something: it is easier to wake up now because there are fewer and fewer of those dreaming who are joined in their dreams, and thus the dreams are losing substance, they are losing whatever integrity or substantiality they seemed to have. And because there are not as many joined in dreams, those who are still dreaming are beginning to stir.
That is one of the reasons that it is very important for all of you to begin to be willing to abandon being in charge of your Awakening, or being in charge of your healing, or being in charge of your good. Because your good, your health, is the gift of God that cannot be retracted. And you will not have the opportunity to find what is your Birthright as long as you are engaged in heavy-duty creation of your good, and enjoying the egotistically satisfying feeling of succeeding at creating your good.
It is that egotistical satisfaction that is the drug that keeps you hooked on personal effort to create your success and your good, and that is what must be abandoned. And it is only when it is finally abandoned that you will have the opportunity to find that your wholeness and your health and your abundance, etc., were already yours, unlimitedly, because the Father has withheld nothing of what He is from His Self-expression.
You know much of the truth has been present and passed down through the centuries, but it has sounded too simplistic. But the truth is simple and your salvation is simple and your Awakening is simple. And that again is why I stress bringing into play curiosity, because curiosity is the most effortless way to experience the breaking of boundaries, boundaries which you have come to believe are immoveable facts and not just a temporary limitation that you are comfortable with.
All of you are already part of this Movement of Awakening that is occurring, not because of any particular teacher or teaching or area of interest that you are engaged in, but because you are engaging in curiosity. And whether you are awkwardly expanding or beautifully and smoothly expanding, you are expanding.
Don't get too hung-up on your individual paths, and I am including in that A Course in Miracles. As with any book, A Course in Miracles is there to serve you in nurturing what is Awakening in you and what was Awakening in you before the book came into your hand. Don't let a shift occur where you begin to serve a book or words. Enjoy the words, enjoy the book, but pay attention to what is happening to you as a result, the Movement that it triggers in you just by exposing yourself to it.
Don't let it become your teacher. Your teacher, that Movement in you, that Self that has been sleeping on the grassy knoll in the middle of the Kingdom of Heaven is beginning to yawn and stretch into its full stature. And in the process those things which support it come into your life. You don't begin to stretch because something came into your life.
When the student is ready the teacher appears. So whose leading the show? Not the teacher—important point. When you're ready to see something, you'll see it. When you give permission to see something, you will see it. When you're ready to see something more than a mundane world out here, you will see it. When you are ready and you engage in curiosity.
Raj Excerpt — Gold Coast, Australia—February 1993
QUESTION: Now the question I'd like to ask is about Jesus. With points of whether he had the energy as such, being of God, to come through into other places in the world. As in question I'll say Buddha and Krishna and other such extraordinary personalities, so it having occurred more than once to more than one group of people. And then to follow on with the possibility of such a purpose or energy to return again to earth.
Now being the time in question, I can't quite see how with fast communication and the world in one network at the moment, how that would be responded to as such as having one person or energy be able to explain everything to such a mass. So I would perceive that more is being a group consciousness coming to the people as they are awakening the Spirit within them, rather than just being one energy or so forth...
RAJ: You see, you do know the answer.
QUESTION: Well, I'm just needing a bit more of elaboration and with the previous parts of the different forms of such highly spiritual energies in the past for different types of people in time of history.
RAJ: I understand. I will tell you that Jesus Christ only incarnated once. And these others that you speak of were not another incarnation, but were what I am going to call incarnations of, as you put it, the Christ energy, the divine energy, the penetration of the three-dimensional frame of reference by the fourth-dimensional standpoint.
You see, religion has nothing to do with Christhood. Christhood has to do with one's, another poor choice of words, it is a matter of lineage, it is a matter of who one's or what one's source is. And there is only one Source, and that is God. Therefore everything that exists is of the lineage of God, and it is God expressed, therefore it expresses the Christ. And all enlightened ones are the Christ Consciousness, or the Christ.
However, to be perfectly clear with you, I am specifically the one that was incarnated on your planet as the one known as Jesus of Nazareth. That does not make me more important than anyone else, except in this respect: I am in charge of the Awakening. It is my task to, shall I say, be the overseer, the facilitator, of the Awakening of all the brothers and sisters who are dreaming dreams and experiencing the bondage of their limited perceptions.
However, as I explained earlier, when one is Awake and one experiences one's power, one knows that it is infinite and therefore there is nothing to exercise that power over. When I say that I am in charge of what I'm going to call the resurrection of mankind, the reunion of mankind, it is in the sense that it is my task to be the focal point for this Movement. But I am not the cause of the Movement.
You know what the cause of the Movement of Awakening, or of the resurrection and ascension of each of you, is? The Source of it is the divinity of you that never went anywhere while you had this dream of limited, human existence as a little ego. Indeed, for me to return in form would totally distract all of you from where your attention needs to be, which is within. I've said it before, but it does need to be said again: I have already come. I don't need to come again. The Second Coming of the Christ is the coming of your Conscious Awareness of yourselves as what you divinely are right here. Then I can appear, because my appearance will not distract you from yourself. So surprise! The second coming is going to occur and you're it!
The Christ has appeared down through the ages, clear back to Melchizedek. The Father's communication of the real status of His Children has been penetrating the dream of human existence through eons of time.
That time is about to end because you're waking up, whether you knew you were or not. And don't worry if those you care about think that all of this is poppycock and say they aren't feeling a thing; they will begin to feel it. But as you know, when you are really feeling it, it is a very meaningful thing, and you have a tendency not to want to expose this meaningful thing out into the world where it perhaps can be judged and criticized and picked apart. And so many of your loved ones are feeling this very intimate Movement, and denying it.
So don't make the assumption that they are really telling you the truth. But also honor them enough to give them the space and the time to arrive at a point where they can say to you, "You know, you've been talking about this for quite some time, and I just never felt free to tell you about an experience that I had." And then communication will open up about it, and you will be amazed.
Time is coming to an end, because time is experienced when you view the Kingdom of Heaven, when you view Reality, through the third-dimensional frame of reference only. Eternity seems to be experienced as time when the ego is your vantage point. As you dare to abandon your ego, time will stop, and the Movement of Creation, which is a Movement in Eternity, will replace it. And it then will be impossible to reincarnate.
The only thing anyone ever incarnates into is a limited perception of life. And the reason that many of you have done it repetitively is because of the nature of the challenge of overcoming the limitation. It hooks you. "One more try." You're like a gambler who has a system: "This time it'll work; 47 degrees, this must be it."
I want to address this issue of Armageddon and all of the frightening elements that have been associated with the end of time, or the end of illusion.
I have shared with you today and over the last three days that there is utter simplicity to waking up and that waking up does not depend upon earning the right to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; that there really is no sin that occurred, called the "fall of man," and that the experience of waking up is an experience of utter naturalness in which you say, "It's just like me." This does not match with the concepts of the end of the world and predictions that have been given and the maps that have been sold in beautiful full color showing what the world will look like after the end.
Healing is always the resolving and the dissipation of conflict. Coming back into your Right Mind is not full of effort. It is being out of your Right Mind that is full of effort because you must engage in a constant activity of not giving your attention to what is Real; and you must give it constant attention, because what is Real constantly confronts you; that is effort, that is conflict, that is dissonance, that is disease.
Doesn't anybody think, I mean think about the things you have been thinking about? The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," they're already here. They've been here all the time because they're an integral part of the limited perception of life. How silly to say they're going to come at the end, they're going to disappear at the end. "Ah, but it came from the Bible." Well, nobody understands the "Book of Revelation."
I'm going to tell you something that has never been said before: The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" have been present throughout recorded time, because recorded time is the context of the ego perception of the only thing going on—the Kingdom of Heaven, Reality. But they slip around out of sight and you seem to experience the effects.
In the last days, and this is figuratively speaking but it is as real as anything could be, the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" will come forth out in the open because you're not afraid to look at them. And you will see them for the insubstantial nothing that they are; they will be obvious to you as nothing more than beliefs. You will not run and hide from them, you will be willing to look them in the face—fearlessly. And they will not wreak havoc, because there will be no investment of your faith and energy and commitment to the definition of what they are, that egos have created.
Another thing, and I did say this in Melbourne: There will be gnashing of teeth, but not because waking up is uncomfortable; it is because there will be those who are mad that they can't have a little bit more of the dream. "Damn, can't I have ten more minutes?" It is like the alarm clock going off in the morning and hitting the snooze button for ten more minutes sleep.
If I have conveyed nothing more to you in the time that we have been together this weekend than the fact that your divinity is supremely natural, and that Awakening is not something you have to earn but is something that is your Birthright and has never been withheld from you, that you are not existing in a state of sin so that from today forward you might dare to get up in the morning and look out the window with a curiosity to see what is really there, and an expectation that isn't covered over by doubt. If I have conveyed to you that all of this is easy, and that the beliefs associated with efforting, relative to Awakening, are false, and that the efforting is not called for, then you have reached a milestone in your "spiritual development."
And when you hear opinions or beliefs to the contrary expressed, and people say you had better be prepared for the end, and you had better be listening so you will have guidance to know where the land is still going to be after it's all over so that you don't go down with the ship, and the call for fear is made, if you don't recognize that that isn't true, and you don't have to hook into it—no, I'm going to put it more positively—if you are willing to remember at those moments that you do not have to play into these hooks that engage your emotion, and that you can stay with your peace, and that your commitment to your peace (relative to being in your world and with your fellowman) is going to manifest as what the Course speaks of as a happier and happier dream that supports and nurtures your more complete commitment, if you recognize that, if you are willing to make the choice for that and not go off in hysterical, emotional, mental reaction, you will bless not only yourself but everyone. Because I will tell you something: you cannot be scared into the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot get into the Kingdom of Heaven in a state of fright.
When you hear me say this, doesn't it sound utterly true? It is because you know what truth is, but you don't give yourselves credit for it. The ones who provide the glossy picture of "after the end" and use these wonderful intellectual words, and sound official and complicated, seem to sound more authoritative, like they really know. That's giving your power away; that's not honoring the Christ of you. And it obscures the fact that the answer is in you, and you have known it all along.
It is a fact that at times during this weekend when I had been saying things to you that I have never said before, that Paul has sat here thinking (having his own little thoughts) that there is no way for you to understand what I am saying. Many of you have never heard of me. Many of you have never read any of the "Raj material," and you have no background to make the depth of what I am saying more easy to understand. But that is an assumption, and you have understood.
And what I want you to do is to not make the same assumption about your family and your fellowman and mankind in general. Because, indeed, you can watch the world news and you can see what is going on. And although there are many indicators of great changes of a positive nature, there are still many indicators that there are present those who enjoy the scuffle, the scrapping among each other, the proving of their manhood, except that it seems to be countries involved.
Well, you can watch this and become convinced that there is no way they could understand what you understand. But if Paul had behaved on the basis of what he thought, he would have shut his mouth. And if you believe what you think, you will shut your mouth also; and the gift of you—which is the utterly natural Presence of God—will not be made, and the experience of community and Oneness will not occur for awhile longer.
So don't be so sure that you know what is true. And above all, be unwilling to make commitment to what you think is true. And listen more deeply to the answer that is in you, and know that that answer is in your fellowman also, and that the capacity to recognize love is a capacity that everyone has, and it is a capacity that is functional at this moment.
It has been my great pleasure to be with you these three days. The unity of us has been very consciously experienced by all of us. And I will have to say that it has felt good. And I will say to you that it has felt good because it has been truly Real and not just an emotion of good feeling.
And the last thing that I will share with you is that I am indeed always with each of you. And I am available to each of you directly, whether I am your Guide or not. And your reaching out to me does not slight your Guide in any way, and so you do not need to feel that you are a little fickle. I also want you to know that I am not a member of the church, and so you do not need to avoid me. I am not a Christian; I am the Christ. I could equally say, I am not a Buddhist, I am the Buddha. I am not a doctrine; I am the Love, just as You are. I am not here to convert you, but illuminate the One that you already Are at this moment, so that you can like yourself.
That's the end.
Raj Excerpt — Kingston, Washington—March 17, 1996
QUESTION: If there is going to be a "Second Coming" as predicted in Revelations, will you be using Paul's body?
RAJ: I will be using yours and yours and yours and yours and yours…
QUESTION: So it's just a consciousness raising metaphor that's in the Bible?
RAJ: It refers to each one of the Brotherhood who are still sleeping waking up to their True Identity.
QUESTION: Okay, Thank you.
RAJ: You are welcome.
Raj Excerpt — RAJ NEWSLETTER Volume 4 Number 7—July 1987
QUESTION: I've been enormously helped by New Age thinking. And, of course, I'm a tremendous disciple of Jesus. He has always been the guiding light in my life because of the vision he had and what he taught us that we are. And there's no doubt that the New Age principles are a great deal more in line with what he saw than the teachings of the Church are.
I want to know why, in the New Age, the Covenant is left out. There is no mention of it. It almost seems as if there is a deliberate attempt to avoid it. It is a promise, which is going to be filled to humanity. The dynamic theme all the way through scriptures, which the Church has consistently overlooked, is that "When I, God, act, then you will know who I am and you will know who you are."
In the New Age teachings this divine history, which fills all scripture from Genesis to Revelation, is not mentioned.
RAJ: Do you think that the fulfillment of prophecies and the fulfillment of promises in the past has necessarily happened with those involved truly being aware of the part they were playing, or the part that the events had in terms of the promises or prophecies while the dynamics were occurring? The Father's Will is demonstrated with or without the willingness of those involved. I want you to be aware that the promises are in the process of being fulfilled at this time, whether those "in the New Age" are consciously aware of it in those terms or not!
Now, how is the Father going to manifest himself as the presence of individual man or woman if there is not an increased self-respect and self-love that emerges within conscious human individualities? This emergence may not be coming in biblical terms, or even in terms of biblical or historical divine promise, but afterwards everyone will be able to look back and see that, indeed, the promise was fulfilled. So, do not be in any way discouraged because the language and the concepts are not there in their specificness yet.
There is an integrity to conscious human individuality because at the bottom line it is absolutely divine and not truly human in any way (in the sense of being a material organism). For the Father to introduce His Presence without distortion of any kind, suddenly, would constitute such a discontinuity of experience that there would be no sense of identity left. So, there will be this transformation that will seem to take time, and there will be, as you indicated, a timeliness of things, even though from an eternal standpoint it will not take any time at all. And there will have been no limit of the expression of God to time.
The fulfillment is occurring—the fulfillment of the Covenant, the Promise. Do not worry that the concepts and words are not totally up front while it is happening.
Raj Excerpt — Course Study with Raj/Jesus — 2003-03-06
READER: The first step toward freedom involves a sorting out of the false from the true. This is a process of separation in the constructive sense, and reflects the true meaning of the Apocalypse. (T-#30/34)
RAJ: Do you know what? There's only three things God won't let you have. Only three things He won't let you have—sin, disease, and death. The Apocalypse is the sorting out of those three things so they are sorted out of your experience.
Of course, you have named, you've given definitions to, you have created for yourself illusions of lots of diseases, lots of sins, and lots of ways to die. But that really doesn't complicate anything at all, 'cause there are only three things—sin, disease, and death—no matter by how many names you call it. So again, awakening isn't as hard as you might be imagining.
Raj Excerpt — Dublin, Ireland—1992
RAJ: I would like to take a moment to address something that hasn't been asked aloud.
From this quarter or that quarter, one hears of the end of time, the Apocalypse, the end of the world, etc. It is not really the end of the world that I am wanting to address here. What I am wanting to address is the belief that out of all of mankind only one hundred and forty-four thousand will be taken up, and the rest of you poor bastards... (Laughter)
Let me give a different perspective to this. Where are you when you are having a dream? You are comfortably in bed at home, as a general rule. And while you are having a dream about life, what I have referred to as a limited perception of life, you are having it at Home with a capital "H." In other words, if you are experiencing a dream, and if on top of it you are believing that the dream is real so that you have no current conscious awareness of Home, with a capital "H," you are nevertheless having the dream at Home. So how could any of you be left out of the trip Home, if you never left Home?
It is as though every one of you were dozing on a grassy knoll in the middle of the Kingdom of Heaven, having a dream of limitation. I want you to understand this because no one is going to pick and choose, and those who are "more exalted" or further along their spiritual path will not get preferential treatment. Whether one is advanced or not, when the alarm clock goes off in the morning, you wake up.
So, let us recognize the way in which this concept of only a hundred and forty-four thousand being taken up ties in with and reinforces the concept of preexisting guilt, and pushes each one of you, in one way or another, into somewhat of a frenzy of activity to insure that somehow your guilt will be less so that you might get preferential treatment. And all of the time you are engaged in this, you cannot possibly have your attention available and present right where you are, where you can discover that you already are in the Kingdom of Heaven, and that you are already the Son or the Daughter of God. That in so many words, you are already chosen.
No one can be left out because the fact is that no one left their divine status, their divine Being, except in a fit of imagination. That's what I wanted to share with you.
Raj Excerpt — Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada—1989
There is a lot of interest, a lot of vital interest in, shall we say, the Second Coming, "the end of the world," the end of illusion, the process of Awakening, and there is with almost everyone either the faint stirrings or even the strong stirrings of awareness of shift, of change, etc., occurring, and a sense of eminence about it.
But I want to make something clear. If you go to the doctor and you get a verdict from him that you have cancer, you do not say, "Oh, glory hallelujah, the end of illusion is occurring. My body is going to disappear. I will not be encumbered with this illusion anymore, glory hallelujah!" Now, it is just as foolish to be scanning the horizon for the signs of the times, looking for disaster, or deterioration, or the collapse of the economy so that you might stand and say, "Glory, hallelujah, the end is at hand, illusion is almost over."
If illusion is almost over, then something is going to be replacing the illusion. And that something is going to be Reality. And Reality is the expression of the infinite intelligence that is God. And that which is infinitely intelligent is harmonious, orderly, expressing the Movement of Creativity.
Disaster is not a representation of intelligence and order. It does not represent transformation that is healing. It is more trauma. The collapse of the economy is not a sign of healing. It is another example of ongoing illusion.
So let us not be looking with too much eager interest for the disasters that will spell the doom of illusion. What spells the doom of illusion is the breakthrough of Reality, the penetration of Reality into the limited perception that everyone is embracing at the moment, thus exalting one's clear perception or clear understanding and thereby exalting the manifestation of God, called the world and the universe. Thus bringing forth greater order and greater harmony and greater manifestation of intelligence on the face of your globe.
It is the ego which interprets the dawning of flawless clarity as Armageddon. It describes the actuality in exactly the opposite terms, great configuration, great suffering, great gnashing of teeth, etc. Why do you suppose that is? So that you might avoid waking up. So that you might avoid the "Second Coming." So that you might not engage in that which will be the annihilation of the ego. Again, defining the ego as a limited perception of Reality.
So again, do not scan the papers for signs of trauma to the earth, or signs of trauma to the economy, or signs of trauma to mankind so that you might know that indeed you will not have to endure the illusion much longer. Look rather for the continuing expressions of expanded intelligence that are occurring.
Be watching for them, they will be somewhat covered over in your newspapers, because the good news doesn't make money. And so you might find the signs in a little box on the next to the last page, just a little blurb of some apparently inconsequential event, but you will recognize that it is one of the significant things that simply isn't being recognized for its significance. Be alert for signs of healing. And be expectant of signs of emerging order in your country, in the world economy, in world politics.
Now I am not saying this so that you might begin to engage in positive thinking and thus change the course of history. Because whether you become positive or not in your outlook, the Awakening is going to occur. And your negative or positive approach will either make that Awakening comfortable or uncomfortable.
The simple fact is that the Awakening is occurring, because there are not any longer a sufficient number of egos to join together to substantiate the ego frame of reference. And so, the ego is weakening, and in its weakening, mankind as a whole is beginning to remember Home, is beginning to remember its divinity, is beginning to remember its integrity, and is beginning to feel the necessity of extending that self-recognition to one's fellowman and to make demands for humanity to be the primary law, if you will, around the globe, that the meeting of the fundamental human needs rather than the meeting of the insatiable demands of the pocketbook is what needs to be enhanced and made first—given the highest priority.
What is the "Second Coming" if it isn't this rising feeling of one's integrity, and this emerging inner conviction that there is something fundamentally divine about conscious human individuality, about you. What is the "Second Coming" if it isn't the Christ of each one of you, beginning to register with each one of you, and your daring to begin to own your divinity.
As I have said before, I don't need to come again. I have already owned my divinity. I have already done "The First Coming." The "Second Coming" is yours. And it is time. Not because I say so, but because the Movement of Awakening that has been constantly occurring since what you call the "fall," and since what I call a submergence in ignorance of one's divinity, has advanced to a point where that ignorance, this sleep, this dream, can no longer support itself. And because the "Second Coming" is occurring, because the Awakening is occurring, because the process of coming back into your Right Mind is occurring, I am talking about it.
I am here not to entice you into the Kingdom of Heaven, but to confirm the Movement into the conscious experience of Reality that is already going on. So that you might embrace it more enthusiastically and whole heartedly. So that you might know that you are not going crazy, so that you might know that you are not being arrogant to have such a healthy and wonderful attitude about yourself as to claim to be fundamentally divine.
Now, lets get off of this Armageddon syndrome, mindset, and lets begin to look for the evidences of emerging and increasing intelligence, harmony, order, love, humanity. And when you find it being confirmed in your world from the most unexpected sources, such as the Soviet Union, be careful how quick you are to reject it, instead of honor it.
Raj Excerpt — Issaquah, Washington—1990
QUESTION: I'm grateful to be in conversation with you again. And I'm grateful too for discovering again, as I do in these group settings, that sense of oneness as I hear how everyone's issue is my issue. A lot of what I brought with me today has already been addressed.
You told me several years ago that by this time I was going to be feeling a much greater sense of security in the world, a feeling of safety and certainty. And I can certainly say that that's the case, at a basic level. And there have been many moments of joy and delight in these several years of staying in the adventure and doing the trust walk. But I feel quite taken aback at times, like the present, when I'm not experiencing the joy.
I just heard you talking about making that a continuous choice. But I find myself tripping into these emotional states where from this perspective things seem bleak to barren. And I'm wondering if in addition to the issue of my exercising my choice, you would address the possibility that I am also perhaps experiencing energies from outside myself. Could this have anything to do with what we hear of earth changes and with other influences around me? I'd like the highest perspective on this I could get.
RAJ: I will tell you that the only influences that can actually, shall I say, influence you are those that are constituted of the clarified conscious experience of Being. And the only effect they can have on you is to inspire you to joy, not depress you.
Now almost inseparable from joy is gratitude. If you are experiencing joy, you are also finding yourself experiencing gratitude. And if you are not experiencing joy, but you do begin to find places in your experience where you can honestly, genuinely express gratitude, you will begin to find joy re-appearing.
And so if you are not experiencing joy, then begin to express gratitude—not for unreal things, but for actual things—whether it is your health, whether it is that you have a roof over your head, whether it is that you live in an especially beautiful place, whether it is the cozy feeling that a rainy drizzly day like this provides when you would just love to have some chili and cornbread and snuggle up in a blanket. It is these kinds of expressions of gratitude that reverse the process of depression and open the door for your joy to once again register with you.
When you begin to think in terms of earth changes, of things occurring globally as though they can be affective to your joy or your experience, you begin to give your power away and you neglect to remember to be grateful.
I'm going to put it this way—this is not an absolutely true statement, but it expresses a meaning—your light begins to go out when you forget yourself and begin to think relative to events out there in the world. When I said to find something to be grateful for, I was saying do something that brings your attention back to you and your immediate experience. Because this is where you re-access your power and the experience of your presence, because you are not giving your power away.
Far too much fearful thought is given to "earth changes," catastrophes, even though some of these changes are presented in a way that seems positive.
I will tell you something—and I will say this as many times as I need to—the transformations associated with the Awakening of mankind are always healing, never traumatic. The Movement of Creation only hurts when it is being resisted. And it will only be resisted when a negative point of view is projected upon it, and one becomes fearful of that negative view and begins to brace himself or herself against the Movement.
We are not entering into a time of Armageddon, of cataclysm, of great horrendous traumatic earth changes, or changes of human nature. But every single one of you does stand at the threshold of great change. And that great change is going to be the result of direct revelation, the uncovering in you of your conscious experience of your divinity and the divinity of the world, and the fact that it is all the direct expression of the Father; and that indeed your sense of being able to have a mind separate from the Father's with its own personal, private viewpoint, is the only thing that gets in the way and creates disturbance.
This private sense of a personal capacity to have your own perception of things is what is going to be yielding. And I will tell you that this yielding of the limited or finite view is not all going to occur by direct personal effort on your part through correct thinking. That is going to play a part in it, but greater than that is the fact that Awakening of the Brotherhood of man is proceeding at a rapid enough pace that there is no longer enough joining and strengthening of the illusion—more are Awake than are asleep dreaming dreams. And thus, there is what you would call a natural support for your experiencing enlightenment, your experiencing unfolding clarity that isn't a result of your personal effort. And it will seem to happen, just because.
Again, indeed, you are moving into a period of great transformation. But it is a transformation of healing, not a transformation the characteristics of which are trauma and suffering. And when you hear stories, when you hear words that express a negative future, be very alert and be unwilling to swallow it hook, line and sinker. Because if you do swallow it, you will inevitably become resistant. You will do everything you can to protect yourself, and you will engage in a denial of life, a denial of a Movement of Healing. And that will not be comfortable. But the discomfort will only be the result of the resistance; it is not because healing hurts.
And I cannot say this strongly enough, and although you may hear other channeled information that seems to confirm catastrophe, great struggle, etc., I will not yield in this statement of truth.
These are great times. It is the time of the end of illusion. And only those who are valuing the illusion and deriving a sense of identity from it will seem to move through the enlightenment ruggedly.
But I encourage all of you not to proceed with reluctance. I encourage all of you to be curious to see the clearer and clearer manifestation of the Presence of God right where you are—the Presence of Harmony, the Presence of Truth, the Presence of Intelligence, the Presence of uninterruptible Life, the Presence of Principle, the Presence of Order, the Presence of Soul that does not need to be exalted because it never was something limited. You have heard this before, but you need to hear it again, and again and again.
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