Jonathan Linneman God’s Capital S Self
I do not know what the title of this should be if there is a title, but I know that the Capital S Self knows and for now let us call this experience of writing or putting down words that the Capital S Self is telling me to write a dialogue. It is a dialogue with that what I am and what I appear to be writing down the words that come into my Conscious Awareness.
I am told that this could also be a Q and A session as well, but it can also just be spontaneous in the moment but I know I am doing this to connect with my Capital S Self and that is where I choose to place my attention.
I was listening to my Self through the a person who is called Paul that this Individuality that Paul allows to speak through him is given the name of Raj and who is known as Jesus and He was speaking to us through what is known as A Course in Miracles and some of the things that were being communicated that I Know as my Self to be true is that there is only one real Self and that is You. You are the Son or Daughter of God and that is your Capital S Self. In your right mind which is the Holy Spirit or another Name for your Capital S Self, you are God and at the same time you are You. This is what is meant by the statement or the Teaching “The Father and I are One. There is only One. Your individuality that is called You is the expression of that One and so every Individuality there is, is the expression of that One called God.
You are what God is being as you right this very moment. There is nothing that you can be but what God is being in you and as You. There is nothing of You but God, because you are Gods Self expression without this Self Expression God does not exist. The Father and the Son is You is One.
You cannot have a creation a Son or Daughter without there being a Creator a Source of being. There is not a Father without there being a son and there cannot be a Son without there being a Father. God and Creation and Father and Son they are the same thing. One God that Father and the Mother is the Cause of being and the other is the Effect of being. Yet the Cause and effect of being are not separated they are one and the same thing and at the same time this very moment because in reality this is the only real moment you have and this moment is eternal without end and without beginning.
The Self that I am in my Totality is the same Self that you Are in your Totality which is infinite and eternal. The other self that appears to you to be this puny mortal that lives and dies as a piece of matter is not you. It is part of your imagination that you still believe is you most of the time. It is the one where you can only see a body and a mind or intellect that has feelings and that still believes it is independent of everything and that means God and the You the Capital S Self you really Are.
There is this idea of two selves that you conceive that you both are, one that is independent and is carving a way into eternity or the future and if it has perfect control of everything will continue to exist until it is ready to die and if it is good will be able to establish a place for him or herself in the Kingdom of God in the hereafter. Poppy cock, that is pure imagination because you as you really Are already in the Kingdom of God because You are where God dwells, in You and as You, there is no one else. Your Individuality is not separated from the Whole of what God is being in YOU. You are the Kingdom of God. You are in your right mind the Presence of what God is being which is your Infinite Self beyond your imagination and presence sense of self which is what you call your limited you.
There are not two selves battling for a place next to Gods Throne, but only one Self that is true that is not imagined and that is not battling for Supremacy, because it is already Supreme in Gods Eye. This Self which is God’s Son or daughter and is You in your right mind is smiling in sweet repose. It is perfectly safe in the creation of God. It is all KNOWING because it embraces one Mind that is God. It is Love because it the Substance of what God is being. It is light because it is the Awareness of what God is being. This Light is the Awareness and in it the Recognition of all that God is being which is You in your Totality. This mind is universally aware and you are a point or a pure Spark of that Awareness in the Infinite Mind of God. You as God is are Oneness.
There is nothing else to really be other than a figment of your imagination dreaming a dream that you are what you imagine to be a alien self far removed from the universe of being living in a vacuum all alone trying to survive as a mortal, being vulnerable to all else living in a empty shell of nothingness.
God loves you right this very moment and has never stopped loving you and in this love recognizes His and Her Self in You. God is right now supporting you even in all of your vivid imagination and fantasy. God as the Holy Spirit does not support your illusions because they are not true, but God does support you as you really Are. Remember I am as God created me. I did not create myself or make myself. I am not making m self as I go along as some evolutionary creature, I am already created as God created me and because I am choosing to recognize God is perfect in my creation so I am as perfect as He or She. I lack for nothing in God as I am. I am complete.
So stop believing in what is not true and listen to your Capital S SELF or the Holy Spirit which is your true and Divine Nature that is held in trust as long as you choose to believe you are separated. Place your attention where it ought to me and in the Self that is you. The Holy Spirit is the voice for Truth it is the Word and all one needs to do is Stop, Listen and Learn. Stop the outer mind from suggesting to you over and over again what is not true and what is not to your benefit or the benefit of all others that are in your life by bringing your attention into the Silence of your being and listening in the Silence what the Truth that is yours is presenting to you in the moment of listening and learn from that Teacher of Truth that is You in your right mind by acting on the Movement that is being you each moment. Embody it as if it is the Truth that is You.
There is guidance for you and instruction which is beyond your present sense of self or perception and to the degree that you allow it to guide you. Follow the Guidance simply one step at a time and ask what is the Truth here, what is the meaning that I am not seeing in this thing or person that is before me. Let me see the Truth of what I am in this Holy Thing or child of God. Let me see the Christ of this One as the Holy son or daughter of God. I am one with her as she is one with me because we are all one Self in God. I am one Self with my Creator.
This guidance may or may not always come in some unearthly manner but may be mundane as far as your perception allows but behind it is the Power of God that will light up your universe and illuminate your mind. It may just be a simple gesture of some kindness toward one of you such as a “Hi, How are you?” Still, it will have the power of the universe supporting the action or the word that has the capacity to Awaken one as you. Remember it is not the word you speak but the meaning or the Consciousness behind the words and that Consciousness is always Love and with that Love comes the recognition that You and your brother are all the same Love that is being you and them all at the same time.
This illumination that will light up in you will also shine in your brother in their hearts and minds and with that light will restore to them their Sanity and at the same time restoring yours as well. There is only one Self in all of you as there is only one God in Everything, outside of which is Nothing and how could there be really nothing if God is all there is.
God not expressed is God non-existent. You are Gods creation God’s Self Expression and without you expressed in your Right Mind is no God. I am God’s Self Expression whatever God is being in Me as Me I am.
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