Communion with the Divine
Did you Know that the Voice for God or Truth speaks for you as you. There is only one Self in all of creation. There appears to be two self’s one that is true and one that is not. The one that is not thinks it is you and the one that is true knows that it is you. It Knows Itself as you and as everyone else and as all of creation.
Which one do you choose to be the Knower or the Thinker? One is true and one is not. There is a very old saying from antiquity that says, 'That that is, is, that that is not is not.' The thinker is not, it is only an appearance imagined to be, but that that is, is the Knower.
What is taught to us is, KNOW the Truth and the Truth will set you free. It does not say, think the Truth and the Truth will set you free. The Truth that is you in your wholeness in your right mind Knows or recognizes itself as the Truth or as you. ACIM says enlightenment is recognition, not a change at all.
The Truth does not set you free. You are already free as God created you. It is the Knowledge of the Truth that sets you free. The knowledge of the Truth is that you are already free and this Knowledge is knowing again or a recognition which is a direct experience with the Truth as It is.
Reality is singular ultimately, it is one. There are not two realities going on at the same time. There is only one. This one is Ultimate and Absolute. It is going on all the time. You cannot change it from being what it is, because if you could then it would not be what it is and you would not be what you are and that is impossible.
The universe of universes is everything there is. If you could see everything there is all at once in all times and places, it would be still one thing that is being outside of which nothing exist. God that is not expressed does not exist.
The Absolute is all there is. In the Absolute is everything without is no-thing. This Absolute is the One thing that is Everything going on or is being. This Absolute is what is called God or the Supreme Being.
There is that which is before us and after us at the same time. It is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. It is thought that what Jesus said to his apostles and the masses sere is own personal teachings and they are not they are universal teachings and they are there for all time. These teachings are based on universal principles or Laws of being. These laws of God are the way that God the Absolute and the Supreme moves and has its being.
Life that which is living that is in everything also lives and moves and has its being in the same Way. God is Life. Life is God in action. We as God’s co-creator are here to learn how God moves and has its being so that we do can move in the same way. We can flow with this Movement and allow this Movement to move through us as us. We are also the Movement of what God is being. This Movement is God’s creation ever alive ever now fresh and new all the time.
God is my Life. The life that is living in me that is my life and breath is also God’s. God and we are one Life. Without this Life we would not exist. Jesus said a Truth when He said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He said it for us to recognize the same Truth in us that as God has created us we too are the Way, the Truth and the Life. This is a universal Truth for all of us to realize. We are the Christ we are the Savior of God and what are we saving but our Self. We are already the Self of God but in our ignorance of the Truth we forgot who we are and what we are and so when the Light dawns in our Awareness we once again know the Truth as we are and can rightly say with conviction we are the Way the Truth and the Life.
We do not have to look for any Saviors other than the one Savior that is in us all. To be saved is to be restored again to our right mind the only mind we have not to use so that we can think separate from what God’s Thoughts are but to think with God and to create with God what God is constantly creating or extending of Him, Her Self.
We are Christ coming; we are the return of the Christ to the vision of our right mind. All of us our God’s saviors! If we are God’s saviors who are we saving, our Self. Salvation is the restoration of all the Sonship back into the Conscious Awareness of its Sanity or right Mind. We are already in our right mind as God created us but we lost that Awareness or that Knowledge of Truth that we are in our right mind. There is only one Mind and we either think with that mind or Know with that mind.
If I am to think then let me think only what God thinks with me. If I am to know then let me only Know what God is Knowing. My mind holds only what I think with God. God is the mind in which I think.
I desire to Know God as God is Knowing me and in that Knowing I am co-creator with God. As one has said before, I am not God but God is all there is of me. I can never be all that God is because God is Absolute without beginning or end unlimited potential of being what God is I am. To be God as the Absolute is to define what God is being and that is impossibility because to define the un-limited is to limit and God is un-limited immanent and transcendent being.
Gibran said in the “Prophet,” “Think not that God is in your heart but that you are in the Heart of God.” God is Absolute and Gods Heart contains all that is. God heart contains you. The Whole Universe of being is God’s Heart. This heart is the middle of you. The middle of you is where you become one. You are already one with God but this middle of you is where you recognize this Oneness as You. You cannot hold God but God is holding you in His eternal embrace. Embrace God now! Let his love and light and life stream forth into our mind and heart and become one with all that is.
You are always loved be the beloved even when you are not loving Him, Her. God is always seeking you, caring for you, inspiring you with His Spirit. He is the Spark of Life in you that never goes out. The light has come. Let the Light now come into you that you may recognize your Self as one with God.
Lord illuminate my heart and my mind that I may see your infinite glory in everyone and in all things. God is the Light in which I see. Vision is His gift.
My soul does magnify my Lord! ‘Come on to me who are heavy laden and Christ shall give you light.’ ‘My yoke it is easy and my burden is Light.’ ‘If thine eye be single thy whole body shall be filled with light.’ ‘If thine eye be evil then thy whole body is filled with darkness.’ ‘Be not afraid, for I have overcome the world.’ Be not afraid for I am with you always even unto the end of the Age.
There is one Life and that I share with God. God is the Life that I live. God is the Light in which I see. God is the Love in which I trust.
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