One thing I am hearing from my teacher is the excessive amount of distorted male energy that is called patriarchal needs to be transformed into the pure male energy of positive forward movement and protection of the feminine energy. Now there are both on the planet distorted male and female energies, but at this time it is the distorted male energy of domination and control that is responsible for most of the evils of the planet such as corruption, patriarchal rule in business, politics and religion. It is the energy of war and destruction, slavery and victimization or anything and any one.These two cosmic energies need each other not to dominate or control but to define and balance each other. The male force is a force of giving love and the female is the force of receiving love. The male force is about creating a self or an identity it corresponds with Spirit and the feminine force with soul and relating with others then just itself. The feminine energy and the male energy are found in both men and woman and in all of created beings. It is also found distorted and undistorted whatever the case may be.
The male energy is Sun, electric, self conscious, fire and air, it is dry, hot, expansive, confident, forward movement and active and intellectual. If it is distorted it is aggressive, selfish, territorial, and is analytical and linear and is only looking out for itself.
The female energy moon, is magnetic, subconscious, water and earth, it is wet, contractive, reserved, humble, supportive, caring, sensitive, kind, compassionate, service oriented, transformative, responsive and responsible, reflective. When distorted it is reactive, obsessive and compulsive, addictive guilt ridden and fearful, insecure clinging, needy and limiting, victim etc.
Meditation is a feminine activity and analyzation or intellectualism is a masculine one. To conceptualize or to visualize is a male one and to imagine is a feminine one. The Superconscious state is both male and female. It is both inductive (male) and deductive (female). The superconscious state is syllogistically which is a combination of both deductive and inductive reasoning.
The feminine when undistorted is intuitive, psychic and when distorted emotional and reactive, guarded.
We are here to transform the distorted male and female energy and bring both of them into balance not in others but within ourselves. We are here to take on personal responsibility for the use of these energies either distorted or undistorted. Balance is the key, because balance creates harmony between the inner and the outer.
In the world of opposites to have one you need the other. There always need to be a balance between both polarities. I am not going to go into all of the opposites, but there are always two sides to any coin and a coin is a symbol of tangibility. This is the ability to manifest a thing. The creative force we call God is both masculine and feminine. It is Father and Mother God. It is energy and form and they is all one thing. Mother is the substance the primordial substance of this energy of Spirit. It is the Love that holds it all together and the light is what is being held together. It is in the soul the reflective field of memory that stores all knowledge of a thing can also when purified reflect perfectly to the point of seeing within the nature of Self or Reality. Love is the perfect substance that holds all things together as one thing and because of this support and consistency it is able to reflect perfectly anything there is, just like a mirror where one can see one’s Self. We cannot really see the Self without a mirror and creation is the mirror of Self or God.
We cannot really see God Itself or what is called the Self because it is without bounds and is limitless with no end or beginning. This means it cannot be contained nor defined. It is limitless life, light and love. God or this Source of all being is boundless and is without measure but in itself it can reflect through what it creates its true nature. We are created in its image and likeness because no one can create the perfect form of God the Creator of all form. We are God Self Expression. We are not God because nothing of itself can be God. We are like God a microcosm within a macrocosm, but we are not the Macrocosm because that would suggest a boundary and a limit and God the Totality of all that is, is not limited.
That is why God is both the Giver and the Receiver the Yin and the Yang. God is the totality of all that is and what is infinite. God is male and female creating and creation. Without a creation there can be no creator and without a creator there can be no creation.
But because we are created out of God or within God we all partake of Gods substance and being. We inherit all that God is being and we are all here to manifest that inheritance within our own creation all the attributes of God that we have ascribed to him or her are ours also.
Edited by phoenixinspirit888 2010-06-08 9:09 AM
You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.
Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.
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