Tuesday, June 29, 2010



To achieve balance both in the inner and outer world is to have what is called congruency meaning a harmony between what one experiences in the outer world of effects and the inner world of causes or what my Teacher as referred to as our core values.
It is one thing to postulate having a belief in the highest or best self one can be and another thing not to practice those principle that reflect that higher image in the world. If there is an in congruency then your best ideas or highest aspiration will be found wanting or short of realization. There needs to be a checks and balances to that which appears and that one holds dear in thought word and action. This means your manner of living does not belie your truth.
To achieve this supreme balance is to live an exemplary life and an impeccable livingness. This is where one can set the highest example on the path of true liberation and reach the experience or permanence in perfecting oneself in perfect harmony with the world. Remember the world you see is a reflection of you both in the lowest and highest order of your being.
Those who in history that have shown to us this example of living have been called extra ordinary beings and with a light that always shown through into their outer world of experience to the point that it was felt by everyone as a virtue or a quality that was exemplary to everyone who knew him or her. There world to them was one without conflict or inconsistency in thought word or deed. We have called them masters, enlightened beings or highly evolved souls incarnate.
The thing to remember and that we can learn from all of these ascended beings is that they practiced congruency in every moment. They had arrived at that place where they now are completely honest with themselves in every way, shape and form. This came from practice, practicing the principles that they held dearly that was passed onto them by a lineage of other masters of that time who also lived by the same example. If they taught honesty then they lived supreme honesty and that there was no flaw or contradiction in their words and actions. They held themselves in check to a higher standard of living and accountable for any thoughts words or actions that they set into motion on the wheel of Life. “Live by example” was their motto. “Be true to thine own self” is another standard of living that they all modeled. This means not to be false to one ’s self and lie by saying to yourself one thing and being another. As we say now in this so called modern world “walk the talk and not just talk the walk.”
It is good first to establish in your mind first a set of values or principle that you are willing to live by. This of course would be the highest principles one could invoke in one’s daily living. If you do not have a set of principles that would give expression to your Highest Self or best Self you can be then look to those with complete devotion that to you have expressed in their lives this model of living that you yourself would want to emulate or imitate in your own experience of living.
You already have one within you which is your highest Self called by many names but is in truth already your authentic Self. You also have with you at all times that you signed on with your inner spiritual teacher who knows your personality and your soul purpose for being here and what you came here to attain or master all the way up to supreme Enlightenment and Liberation and knows how to and the means to achieving this perfect balance in the world.
When you have come to conceive or conceptualize these higher principles and can see the example of others who have followed this way then you can keep a mental or written sheet of checks and balances, credits and debits as a way of keeping track of your progress in mastering your own mind or thinking.
Any time you find your thought processes, self talk or your actions falling short of these higher principle you can observe then with discrimination and not fault or guilt but with willingness and determination to choose differently the choices you already made in the past, choices that you now want to make that are congruent with your core values and beliefs that you now want to set down on the stage of your life drama.
As you become more and more skillful or adept at changing your mind in thought word and action one will find an ease in manifesting what you truly desire to experience and these principles to live by that in your inner world are just theory now become fact and manner of experience.
Like anything this takes daily practice to develop this sort of mind training but with true diligence, willingness, patience, honesty, introspection and of course compassion not only for others but for one’s self in realizing the venture one has chosen to take on not only for personal accomplishment in the world but for all other beings. One realizes that in order to attain this perfect state of mind, it also involves the liberation of all other minds, because everyone is a piece or a part of you.
Learning the practice of meditation and achieving these states of mental peace and the experience of transparency and clarity of vision is truly wonderful and to experience the Light of the world is awesome but without letting that light shine out from you without any thing to block it, one has not truly realize Illumination and you whole body is not full of light. What is the darkness that you see within your own mind or with you are the blocks to that light and this is the in congruency of your own mental state?  How can one really see ones true nature not only within you, but within everyone else and in everything? The Light of the world is what will bring vision, but as the Master has said we must let out light shine if we are to be who and what we really ARE.
Practicing the Presence of God is living to one’s highest conception of Divinity and holding one’s self to the highest standard of living that you can muster within you and in your highest mind. If through your meditation practice not just in your room or private domain, but also in the world so that you are living fully conscious in every aspect of your being without opposition or strife of any kind one can then live the life one can truly enjoy not only for self but for all others.
From the Heart of Hearts I wish you Joy!

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