Drink deep within the Divine my Beloved. Let it be your breath you breathe each and every moment. Let it be the space between your thoughts. Let it be the closing of the little gap. Let it be the Holy Instant of your complete release from any form of bondage, and form of self imposed limitation.
Take another deep breath and ride the wave once again and see where it takes you into the cave of your heart into that precious place that sacred place of Love Divine. This is where one receives the kiss of Sophia that tincture of Wisdom. This is where you meet with your beloved in a Holy Union. This is where the opposites meet in oneness in the Awareness of the Divine which is the actuality of your presence at this very moment.This Presence unseen is the Presence of God within you now. Drink deep my love and know your perfection, Know your freedom now. Your breath is the Spirit of the Divine permeating your every cell and restoring each and every cell to perfect health and vitality. Its Divine Intent is to restore your mind to perfect peace where there is no conflict possible and the end of the illusion of all suffering.
Drink deep the elixir of life and let it fill your soul,your body, mind and spirit. Drink deep and let it awaken you from the deep sleep of dreams to the awaken state of being your oneness with the Creator.
Be not Fatherless or Motherless any more. Be not an orphan in an orphanage in a orphan mentality believing you have no Source to return. Breathe deeply your oneness with God and Goddess and know that you are love. Know that you are precious each and every moment you live.
Be still in that oneness and claim your birthright as the Holy Son and daughter of God and be reborn by proclaiming in our words thoughts and action your rebirth. It is the time of your rebirth. Breathe deeply now and let in that which is reborn in you to day. It is the Christ that lives in you and it lives in you because it is You in your right mind.
Feel for a moment this Divine presence which is becoming you. Let it in and let it flow through you an as you were created and are created anew each and every moment the Christ is born in you and you are fresh a new creature where the old is done away.
Live each and every moment as if this moment is always fresh and new and each moment births again a new moment unceasing.
Breath in deeply this breath of the divine and realize what it is to truly be alive eternally and to Know your Self once again anew. Blessings!
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